We started looking at celebrating the 300 sala last November 2007 when I visited Sant Anoop Singhji at the Sewa Simran Gurmat Sangeet Academy in Phagwara, Punjab. After some revision of programmes, we looked at how best to commemorate the occasion. As Guruji counsels us to 'meditate, meditate..'Simar, simar sukh pavoh'..and as Gurbani is written to be sung in kirtan form, we decided to use these two elements of Naam Simran and kirtan as a way of dedication to the 300 sala. The idea of a Naam Simran and Gurmat Parchar Yatra was born and to date we have traversed two countries (Australia and New Zealand, visited ten cities, seven in Australia ( Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Woolgoolga, Brisbane, Griffith and Sydney), and three (Auckland, Hastings and Hamilton) in New Zealand. Sangats in nineteen gurdwaras did naam simran and joined in to the beautiful rendition of kirtan/simran by Sant Anoop Singhji. There were large sangats in all gurdwaras and those who had not heard Santji were enthralled bringing some to tears.
We started on 29th July in a Perth (Australia) gurdwara and ended on 24th August in Takanini (Auckland, New Zealand), one of the biggest gurdwaras in Auckland with a sangat of around 5000 people. Santji flew off on 24th August and after a few days went to Moscow for another program for the 300 sala to be broadcast India wide.
Santji started on 28th July from Una to Amritsar, to Delhi, from Delhi to Singapore, then Perth in Australia. Despite this arduous journey and catching the flu, Santji made sure all cities/gurdwaras had their programmes. Young children were encouraged with little programmes for them to infuse the youngsters with the spirit of chardi kela. All in all everyone was infused with the beauty of Santji's simran and his incredibly mesmerizing voice rendering kirtan.

We thank Waheguruji for giving us this opportunity to involve sangats in all the Gurdwaras in simran and kirtan as a way of celebrating the wonderful gift from God - Gurbani and the elevation of the Sri Guru Granth Sahibji to the status of Guru, by Sri Guru Gobind Singhji, a momentous and unique event. All simran, kirtan and ardaas were dedicated to the 300 Sala.


Kuldeep Kaur