Children's Gurdwara Project ~ September 2012

After the summer holidays, this month we were back and were located in Khalsa Primary School in Southall which proved to be a hit with the parents, a great environment for families and learning to unfold.

To coincide with the London held Paralympics and the great ability humankind has in not giving up but making the best of what the Guru has granted, we based our Gurdwara session this month around the gift of the body.

The children sang Gur poorey meri rakh laiee and we talked about protection and the power of our ability to overcome.

Parents were able to bring the consciousness of Gobind Milan Ki a hay theri Barhriya to our children, why have we been give this gift of the body and what is it being used for?

InGratitude (172K)
In gratitude that we have the strength and the limbs to sit and stand and jump

We had a very moving and thought provoking session. We also sang lines from Anand Sahib, eh sareera meriya, to reinforce and highlight the idea in the SGGS about the beauty of each tool in our body that Waheguru has blessed us with. The children were exposed to disability and discussed the topic and were invited through a yoga posture to delve deeper into themselves.

What masks have we created for ourselves and which ones do we hide behind everyday? What are we fearful of? As an activity, we then made creative, colourful theatrical masks and did simran to lift our spirits to a greater

ParalympicsAndExploring (164K)
Paralympics and exploring our bodies, thanking Waheguru ji for this great gift

We also had a guest visit from the UNESCO ambassadors of peace, one of them came to our stage and was invited to share stories about his African traditions and the drums and the children were both excited and inquisitive. He joined us in singing Waheguru along with the other ambassadors of peace from Iran, Palestine, Israel and more.

We finally ended our Gurdwara with a great effort by a young eight year old, Jasmine Kaur who took the Hukam for the first time as well as attempting to play tabala for the first time ever too!

WELL done to you Beta ji!

Finally a special thanks to the parents who did the parshad and langar seva, we were treated to some Pizza and games in the garden which went down a treat with all the sangat!


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