The Childrens Gurdwara project invited Prof Eleanor Nesbit who gave a presentation on the animals and trees represented in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.

She was concise, specific and clearly an expert in her area, she inspired many parents and children with her stories of the Gurus and their work and inspiration.

She talked about the Falcons to Mango trees and their relevance and reference to our Gurus and Sikhi lifestyle.

Project-1 (76K)

Project-2 (81K)


We are so grateful to her for her time, devotion and dedication to the work that she has done in this area and hope to arrange more magical moments with her in the future.

As the parents were inspired in the Gurdwara Sahib by Eleanor, we had Miss Balloniverse upstairs in the gallery, she made animals out of gallons including a kirpa and shed, she was amazing. The children were in awe by her and her creativity and humility.



When i see young Sikh children with their eyes lighting up in the gurdwara, listening to stories, having fun and singing the Gurus praises, i am indebted to the sangat and Guru for creating such positive vibes in the minds and hearts of these young learners. May the spirit of the Guru light within their hearts forever and ignite the flame of Gurbani inside them, that they may forever serve humanity in the footsteps of our Guru Nanak Dev ji.

Thanks for all those that came and supported us to make this a huge success..............

Navleen Kaur - Saturday 7th July 2012 | London


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