What we have done so far...

In 2009 SikhNet started to produce exciting, fun and inspirational audio stories. These have been a hit for Sikh kids who enjoy listening to these stories over and over. Every month new stories are posted on SikhNet and made freely available to listen and download. There are currently over 80 audio stories that have been produced and are available on SikhNet.

These stories have also been put together in CD and book format for more options of interacting with. There are currently 5 audio story CDs, full color story book that can be read to kids, along with a coloring book that goes with the stories. Any profits from these products go right back into creating more Sikh media for the kids.


What we are working on...

First Sikh Adventure Game
Since May of 2010 we have been hard at work on the first online Sikh adventure game. This is a wonderful game that will teach values to the kids but do so in a fun interactive environment. The game also has parts that encourage and reward real world seva activities. This game will be freely available to all kids online through a web browser and so will have maximum exposure since it is free to play.

Stay tuned for previews and more information! We were able to start this project with the help of donors like you who donated during our 'children's media' fund-raising campaign in 2010. We are also looking for sponsors for this project. More>>


Semi-Animated Story Videos

We have been already producing audio stories for a while and with the sangat's support we would like to take the next step and make actual video "shows" of Sikh stories so that kids can watch these instead of other mainstream cartoons. Our goal is to produce two episodes per month so we can have new content for kids to enjoy on a regular basis. We estimate the cost will be about $2,000 US Dollars per episode and at a goal of 2 per month (for a year that would be $48,000). We are looking for people or companies who wish to sponsor one or more individual episodes to help make this project a reality.

These episodes will be freely available to watch for free on SikhNet which reaches over 20,000 people a day. Check out a mock-up version of a semi-animated story.

We are holding an audio story script writing competition, so we can get ideas and search for writing talent. The winner will receive $300 and all of the SikhNet Story products. But more importantly, if we find someone with the writing style that captures the essence of the series we are creating we want to hire her/him as a part-time writer. 


Sikh Stories for KidsHelp SikhNet Create Services for Kids



Many of us who are parents know the challenge of educating our children about Sikhi, which can be hard in these busy times. There is so much outside influence in western culture through mainstream animated movies/cartoons as well as games which don't match the Sikh values that we wish to pass down.

We hope to assist in this situation by creating new ways for these young ones to get inspired about Sikhi & counter the negative influences with positive Sikh values through various forms of Sikh media.


Watch this "behind the scenes" video


How you can help this project

In addition to this story project we have lots of ideas for new media services targeted towards the younger youth. However, in order to make them happen we need your help. These projects take significant time and money. There is currently not very much Sikh media content freely available for kids, and our hope is to fill the need by starting this one project, and then expand into other projects as resources become available to fund the projects.

We welcome any individuals, organizations, Gurdwaras, companies, etc. who might like to sponsor and support this project, to ensure that it is a success and so that we are able to add new SikhNet services like this for Sikh kids.

If you are not able to help financially then you can still help by talking to everyone that you can still help by talking to everyone that you know and encouraging THEM to do so. SikhNet is able to offer many free services with YOUR support, so whatever help you can give will impact the many thousands of people that use Sikhnet every single day! Thank you, and we hope that you and your children will enjoy these stories together.



Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the project or want to help in some way.