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Rehraas Sahib.jpg

Rehras Sahib (ਰਹਰਾਸਿ ਸਾਹਿਬ) is the evening prayer of the Sikhs, which speaks of the greatness of Waheguru, the almighty God. As recorded in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, it contains the hymns of four different Gurus; Guru Nanak, Guru Amardas, Guru Ramdas and Guru Arjan Dev. Now part of the Rehras Sahib, the Benti Chaupaee, attributed to Guru Gobind Singh was added to the Bani in the late 19th century.

Each section of the prayer casts light on another aspect of God. It is recited after a hard days work when one is tired out. After returning home, washing up, and changing into more comfortable indoor clothing, the family gathers together to recite this Bani. It adds energy to both the body and the mind allowing one to conclude their day, giving thanks to the Almighty for the completion of another successful day.


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