Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 300th Anniversary, 1708 - 2008

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Here re-told in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib receiving  the Light of Nanak are some of those stories. Re-told with an eye to the message of what the Guru Granth would become. Re-told from the perspective of knowing today how important the Shabad Guru is to the future.

Ram Rai's Test of Spirit - Ram Rai, the son of Guru Har Rai, changed one word of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib to please the Emperor and lost the favor of Guru Har Rai who wouldn't speak to him after that.

Compilation of the Adi Granth - Guru Arjan compiles the Adi Granth (later to become Siri Guru Granth) from the writings of the previous lights of Nanak as well as his own prolific Banis. He is challenged by his eldest brother Prithi Chand who wants to upsurp the Guruship and write his own Banis.

From Adi Granth to Siri Guru Granth - Guru Gobind Singh passes the Guruship on to the Adi Granth saying "All the Sikhs are enjoined to accept the Granth as their Guru. Consider Guru Granth as representing Guru's body."

More stories to come...