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Below is a playlist of 35 Street Parchar videos by Basics of Sikhi. Enjoy.

Here Nick Singh, a student at Cardiff University shares his story of coming into Sikhi. He has been watching our videos for around 2 years and has now even learn Gurmukhi and reads his paath in Gurmukhi. - Basics of Sikhi is a project by Everythings 13, an educational charity dedicated to spreading the wisdom of the Sikh Gurus. Please SUPPORT our work - - Whether its £5 a month or £50, all will go towards parchar and NOT building funds. 

Vaheguru Simran in the Intro and Outro is how Sikhs chant Gods name. Its performed by Jagdeep Kaur of You can download it for free from (Jam 2, track 6 = Waheguru Simran). 

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