Kesh Ghar SahibWeb Site CreditsKesh Ghar Sahib
Guru Gobind Singh ji
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I would like to thank the following people whose contributions helped make this Anandpur Sahib website possible:

Stories & Journal Text - Many of the stories that were written by contributors covered the same events, so we have edited the material and made it into one all encompassing story. The following people sent us stories for use on the web site:

  1. Guruka Singh Khalsa
  2. Hargopal Kaur Khalsa
  3. Hari Karm Kaur Khalsa
  4. Sarb Jit Kaur Khalsa
  5. Sardar Singh Khalsa
  6. Sat Pavan Kaur Khalsa
  7. Sat Hanuman Singh Khalsa
  8. Shanti Kaur Khalsa
  9. Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa

Editing and Proofreading - Without these people the site would not tell the story properly; the chronology and flow of events would not be in sequence. (And you would probably see tons more typos too!)

  1. Savitri Kaur Khalsa
  2. Guruka Singh Khalsa

Photographs - Without the work of these photographers you would actually have to use your imagination to visualize what it looked like in Anandpur Sahib.

  1. Dharmatma Kaur Khalsa
  2. Guru Jaswant Kaur Khalsa
  3. Guruka Singh Khalsa
  4. Arjan Kaur Khalsa
  5. Guru Mustuk Singh Khalsa - Who, by the way, spent most of his time in India trying to get the very best photos possible for you. He did this by photographing every single event while "swinging" from pole to pole (like Tarzan). –Guruka Singh

Video Footage - Hari Nam Singh Khalsa - Video clips were created from some videos that were donated to Sikhnet from the Baisakhi events. They definitely help you see some of the things that went on at our Yatra camp and at at Anandpur Sahib. If you are interested in getting a copy of the two videos ($30) that Hari Nam Singh Khalsa taped you can contact him at:  [email protected], or by mail: 1901 - 11th Ave. South, Birmingham, AL. 35205 (Note: the video clips were labeled as "by Kirtan Singh Khalsa"; this was a mistake by me.....when it is supposed to say "Hari Nam Singh Khalsa".)

And A Special Thank You to our Anandpur Sahib 1999 Yatra Organizers
To Sat Simran Kaur, Soorya Kaur, Narinjan Kaur, Mehtab Singh, Sarb Dev Kaur, Sat Sangeet Kaur and all the other sevadars I didn’t meet or don’t know -- thank you for planning, setting up, and organizing our Yatra. Thank you to our Camp Directors and Administrators, especially Guru Dhan Singh and Harbhajan Singh from Colorado (who made us feel secure). Thank you to Jot Singh (the Master Swordmaker) for making the Sword of the Khalsa. I think I can speak for many when I say I’d like to send a big thank you to all the doctors that cared for our good health.

I’d also like to thank a most selfless bunch of children wrestlers, the teaching staff of Miri Piri Academy, and especially Principal Panch Parvan Singh for his gifted leadership. Thank you also to Sadar Raga Singh and all the Miri Piri Academy Sevadars who so kindly cooked and fed us the entire time we were in Anandpur Sahib. Thank you also to the Golden Temple Nanak Niwas Sevadars who gave us the greatest example of selfless service. I would also like to thank Guru Mustuk Singh and Siri Ved Singh for recording this part of Sikh history.

Thank you to Gurubachan Singh for serving the Siri Singh Sahib. To Bibi Inderjit Kaur ji and your sweet children, Ranbir Singh, Kulbir Singh, and Kalmajit Kaur, thank you for sharing your husband and Pitaji with all of us. And lastly, thank you to God and Guru for blessing us with our beloved guide, Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa, Yogiji who has encouraged us all to live as Khalsa and to be present in Anandpur Sahib during this historic time, the 300th Anniversary of the Khalsa. Thank you sir.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

Humbly yours, S.S. Sat Hanuman S. Khalsa


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Copyright � 1999 Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

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