On June 6, 1984, the Akal Takhat, the Golden Temple and thousands of Sikhs sacrificed themselves before the army of the Indian government. Since that day, for 30 years, the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Gurdwara in Espanola, New Mexico has held a special Gurdwara on the 6th of every single month. These sixth of the month Gurdwaras honor the sacrifice of the souls who took part in the events of 1984, and send a prayer for healing so that this kind of attack against the spiritual sovereignty of the Khalsa shall never happen again.
On June 6, 2008, Shanti Kaur Khalsa gave an inspiring and educational talk during this 6th of the month Gurdwara. She shared stories and a historical perspective of the events before, during and after Operation Blue Star. The recording of her talk is reposted here.

 Editor's note: This article has been changed from it's original version which was published on June 2nd 2014


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