Indiana Second State in US to Include Sikh History and Culture in Public Schools

Festival of Faith -1 of 1-97 (27K)Indiana is set to become the second state in the United States to introduce Sikh history and culture into the public school curriculum. Indiana Superintendent Glenda Ritz (pic right) voiced her commitment to ensuring resources on Sikh history are available to all Indiana teacher. She made the announcement at a SikhsPAC townhall meeting in Indianapolis, IN on Sunday

The current plan involves three major points of entry including 7th grade world history (Asia, Africa and the Middle East) and high school world history and elective world religion classes.

The first step for the agency involves distributing to instructional material to classroom teachers through the Indiana Department of Education's recommended coursework lists. This includes everything from young adult fiction targeted towards elementary school reading classes to documentaries and textbooks.

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In the longer term, the IDOE will revise social studies standards for those grade levels to include specific reference to Sikhs.

The plan also calls for developing the groundwork for Punjabi language courses in school districts with sufficient demand for the language.

The Sikh Coalition offered vital support throughout these discussion through their extensive knowledge of age appropriate learning material on Sikh culture and history.

SikhsPAC Education Announcement

SikhsPAC Education Announcement from Ben Skirvin on Vimeo.

SikhsPAC Education Announcement

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