Yesterday was a UNIQUE day in Sikh history 20th July 2016 where six young students at Khalsa Secondary Academy in Slough, U.K., ranging from  year 7 to year 10 embarked upon a life journey that was outstanding. They attached themselves to the Guru called Charni lagna and made a promise to start their own Sahej Paat (reading the entire Guru Granth Sahib ji from beginning to end.) What a moment, the emotions were high, and the whole school was present as Jathedar Prof Manjit Singh from Anandpur Sahib guided the ceremony. This man, who is like a former Pope, took time to read and close the ceremony and then he read the first verses of Japji Sahib with the students correcting their pronunciation and explaining the rules of Gurbani grammar.


Staff and students alike were deeply touched as he spoke with passion and patience. He reminded us that Knowledge and Information is what we all acquire from a school but that there are few places where we can experience Divine Wisdom. He congratulated the administration and team at KSA for this amazing achievement and reminded us to speak and treat each other with the utmost devotion and respect. This behaviour would then be modeled be modeled by others and thereby reach through society, making community cohesion a reality rather than an idea. We are humbled by the achievements of these young people and draw inspiration from their commitment and devotion. No Sikh school in Europe has ever done what KSA did yesterday.



Watch Video:  This school year at Khalsa Secondary Academy

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