Naad Academy of Gurbani Kirtan

Opening October

SatkirinKrKhalsa (26K)Like many, you may have thought that the Aquarian Age would be all about love and peace and are possibly wondering what has gone wrong? Worry not. Challenges and strong winds blowing have been the consistent constants of the human experience.

Yes, we have indeed entered this long awaited Aquarian Age but are also moving through the KAL YUG ; known as the darkest of all ages ! It is described as the time when the table of TRUTH has lost 3 of its legs and is only standing on one leg. However, there is also true beauty of this. The pressure of this age is the motivator for the self to find an internal peace. This is a funny kind of gift, like a New York Metro Card which enables you to take all the trains and buses so you can go anywhere in the city.

The Aquarian Age is not meant to be pervasive bliss; yet it requires us to create pockets of bliss through meditating, chanting, singing and sharing "up" vibes. Imagine being in a space where kirtan plays continuously and everyone is singing together. This space becomes a Golden Age within the Kal Jug. We are called to create our own Golden Age when we sing together in concert with the exalted words of Kirtan.

The Metro card of the soul is "GURBANI KIRTAN"! How so? Because the language of Gurbani Kirtan is Naad, the sound pattern that creates corresponding sound patterns in the hypothalamus of the brain to give us an experience of Self beyond the ego, called soul. You could say NAAD is for your soul what WIFI is for your computer.

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The Kal Yug is a paradoxal gift that pressurizes us to take actions that maintain a mind that can sustain itself above the environmental "madness". The Aquarian Age is the pebble within the "lake" of the Kal Yug rippling out in concentric circles of the Shabd affecting the water of human essence vibrating to all, moments of peace and Love.

I invite you to join me at NAAD ACADEMY this October when we start a new tele-class series,or in Conneticut & New York City at HariNYC for in-person classes.

You can find more about what Naad Academy of Gurbani Kirtan in this short video (see below) and why I feel inspired to encourage you in developing or cultivating a deeper knowing of Naad and practice of Gurbani Kirtan. Whether you are embarking on this journey to deepen your path or are currently a teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Naad Academy classes are essential to your understanding of this unique and distinct technology of our lineage.


Teaching Schedule:

In-Person at Hari NYC
Class #1 Saturday October 19th 12:30-3:30 ~ Shabd 1 &2

Class #2 Saurday November 9th 12:30-3:30

Class #3 Saturday December 7th 12:30 -3:30

Cost: preregister by October 12th $75 ~
          After Oct 12th....$90

Individual class....$35 each

Contact Hari NYC to enroll
140 West 30th Street #3W (3rd floor) ~ register at


Teleclass - Origins of Gurbani Kirtan
(Central Europe and Eastern US schedules available)
Starts Oct 16, ends Dec 11

Enroll - US Click Here

Enroll - Europe Click Here


October 8th Chant Night/Hari NYC
7:45-8:30 140 West 30th Street #3W (3rd floor)
New York, NY 10001 212-465-0606 donation

Oct. 13th Guru Ram Das B-day Gurdwara Kirtan, Hari NYC 11am
140 West 30th Street #3W (3rd floor)
New York, NY 10001 212-465-0606
Dial 107 on call box after 7pm and weekends to buzz in

Naad Academy of Gurbani Kirtan - 5-teleclass series
Oct-16th/19th Nov.13th/27th Dec.11th-

The Origins of Gurbani Kirtan Group I - European schedule (CEST) - details
The Origins of Gurbani Kirtan Group 2 - US schedule (US EST) - details

Naad Academy In-person event - 3-part series at HARI NYC
Oct. 19th Workshop, Hari NYC -12:30-2:30pm A Thousand Prayers
Nov. 9th Workshop, Hari NYC 12:30-2:30pm A Thousand Prayers
Dec. 9th Workshop, Hari NYC 12:30-2:30pm Healing Wounds of Love
140 West 30th Street #3W (3rd floor) NYC -

November 5th,Kauri Kriya Workshop-Glastonbury, CT
6pm-8:30pm $25/30
895 Main St, Glastonbury, Connecticut
860-604-4682 www.kundaliniyoga.ct

Introduction to Naad Academy Interview Video on Naad Academy
www.facebook/satkirin kaur


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