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Los Angeles, CA June 4th,  2008 : SMTV (Supreme Master TeleVision) a free-to-air spiritual and constructive satellite channel based out of LA, California will broadcast One Light, along with an interview with the teen director, Angad Singh, on Thursday June 5th 2008.
The program will air on SMTV’s Cinema Scene (under A Journey through Aesthetic Realms – an award winning series) on June 5th at 1:30 and 7:30 A.M and P.M, East Coast Time.
SMTV is an environmentally and spiritually focused channel broadcasting with a variety of engaging and  constructive programming aimed towards a peaceful and sustainable world. The programs are in English with over 40 languages in subtitles, broadcasting on 14 satellite platforms across the globe covering every continent and over 180 countries.
With this broadcast the message of oneness of humanity as inspired by Guru Nanak Dev Ji will reach millions of subscribers.
In North America, there are two ways to view the programs:

  1.  On Free to air satellite, Galaxy 25, at 97 degrees west.

  1. Online via live streaming video at www.suprememastertv.com

For satellite specifications in other parts of the world, please visit their  ‘satellite info’ page.

For the Cinema Scene program, the following subtitles will be provided: Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian and Spanish. They  may also have Punjabi, but this has not been confirmed. 

One Light has also been picked up to be broadcast in an On-demand program for one year by a Washington state’s cable TV operator. Comcast subscribers in the Puget Sound area will be able to view NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth) 2008 films (where One Light was an award winner) by going to Channel 1 On Demand, clicking ‘Get Local’ and then ‘Around the Sound’. 

About One Light:
In summer of 2007, 13 year old, Angad Singh walked around with 47 self made fliers to distribute to his neighbors His goal was to learn about his neighbors and educate them about himself as a Sikh; he was also taking a small step towards making this world a little friendlier, a little less conflict ridden and a little more connected. Amazed by how his neighbors responded, he decided that there is so much goodness there that it needed to be shared, especially in times when all you hear about is war, violence and fear. So, he interviewed people and created a short documentary celebrating the oneness of humanity. He called it One Light. His film won the first prize at the 2007 "SikhNet Youth Film Festival"

Today, One Light is making little baby steps towards making this world a bit closer by being screened across North America in many film festivals. It is also educating the world about Sikhism and Sikh identity.
To read more about One Light, the idea, process and experience please visit the web site

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