With Sikhs around the world quarantined in their homes and unable to visit their local Gurdwara to celebrate Vaisakhi, Sikhs are taking to the internet to connect and celebrate. Below are some resources you can use to listen to live kirtan, connect with a virtual sangat, hear inspiring Sikhi talks, and activities for kids.

Virtual Vaisakhi

If you want to be notified in the Facebook app when one of the event is LIVE online be sure to click the "like" icon on the facebook page of the event or organization you are interested in turning into. 

Live Broadcasts

SikhNet Live #SikhsAtHomeTogether
Simran, Kirtan, Katha and more, every day at 1pm & 8pm USA Eastern. View schedule and time conversions.
Join Here

Sikh Research Institute: April 1–13
Daily online live sessions.
Join Here

Guru Nanak Dwara (Phoenix, Arizona USA): April 10 –13
4-day Baisakhi Livestream with Bhai Satvinder Singh Jatha
Learn More / Join Here

SikhInside Virtual Satsang Akhand Path: April 11–13:
Sri Akhand Paath Sahib for e-Vaisakhi will be broadcasted live to the Sangat.
Learn More / Join Here

Basics of Sikhi: April 6–12
Daily live programs on Facebook:
Join Here / Watch on YouTube

Virtual Vaisakhi: April 13-17
5 Days of Simran Jaap and talks on the Panj Piaray.
Learn More / Join Here

Vaisakhi Kirtan Samagam: April 13
Live Kirtan by Bhai Arvinderjit Singh (Kittu Veerji) Chandigarh from 12pm to 1pm Indian time.
Watch on Facebook / Watch on YouTube

Vaisakhi Sikh Dharma Chile: April 14
Katha of Amrit Sanchar and Vaisakhi Story will be in english with translation to spanish, the rest will be in spanish.
Join Here

Other Ways to Celebrate


Sikh Musical Heritage - The Untold Story:
The award-winning, feature-length documentary Sikh Musical Heritage - The Untold Story, explores the origins of traditional Sikh instrumentation and how a French instrument found its way into every Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) to become the central instrument in performing traditional Sikh music. Through a series of interviews, musical performances and historical accounts, the film journeys from the introduction of Sikh music by the founder of the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, to the invasion of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries that nearly destroyed all Sikh traditions.

Watch Here 

Resources for Kids

Animated story of Vaisakhi: 'Birth of Khalsa'

dasam stories.jpg

19 Audio stories (including the animation above and the animated story Mai Bhago ji) of Guru Gobind Rai as a child, Guru teaching Sikhs, and great warrior saints of the 10th master


Kids Activity Sheets
Download Free print-ready PDF worksheets to use at your Home, local Gurudwara or School!
View Here

Vaisakhi Story, Game & Coloring Sheets

Watch, Play & Learn Here

Kiddie Sangat Live
Kids live sessions on instagram.
Join Here

Kiddie Sangat Crafts
Vaisakhi kids crafts.
View Here


Do you know of other online events to include here?
Post details with links in the comments below. 

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