The Sikh Spirit Foundation has invited people from around the world to participate in its first-ever idea contest. The Foundation hopes to collect creative and feasible project ideas that will benefit the Sikh community.

The Foundation intends to reward the selected project idea with an iPod Nano. The first five submissions will also receive a t-shirt of choice from

A committee will review the submitted project ideas and select one to pursue. To turn this winning idea into a reality, The Sikh Spirit Foundation will invite proposals this summer for this project. The Foundation will then select and fund the best proposal among the submissions.

All project ideas should consist of at least two paragraphs that explain the project and its importance for the Sikh community. Submissions should fall within a budget of $25,000 and address critical issues facing the Sikh community.

Project ideas should be sent to [email protected] by March 25, 2009.

The grand prize winner will be announced by April 10, 2009. All project ideas will be measured according to feasibility, impact and need.

For further information, visit, or contact us at [email protected] 

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