Do you ever wish you could go back in time and experience the past as if it were the present moment? Well, SikhNet doesn’t have a time machine, but we DO have rare live recordings of kirtan from some of the great Masters of their day.

Come with us and sit in the sangat of bygone years through our first ever SikhNet Gurbani Media Center album series!!!

Diamonds of Eternity: Gurbani Classics, is a six-volume collection, featuring old and rare, live Gurbani recordings that have been hand-picked by our dedicated team and digitized for preservation.


Volume One of Diamonds of Eternity: Gurbani Classics, features the legendary Bhai Avtar Singh and Bhai Gurcharan Singh from a live recording in Los Angeles, California on August 4, 1979.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR May 26, 2022 when this collection of rare kirtan will drop. 

If you don’t have it already, get the SikhNet Gurbani Media Center app here to listen to this album wherever you go.

In Service,
Jagjeevan Singh
Gurbani Media Center Content Manager




P.S. Did you know? SikhNet houses the oldest and largest online archive of Gurbani in the world. This has been part of our seva for decades. A big part of our mission at SikhNet is to continue this preservation so that Gurbani remains available and accessible to all. 


Album Cover Illustration by Art of Punjab. 


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