Throwing of all caution of deep and wide ranging
ramifications in
future to the Sikh community, the five provosts –Jathedars
of the
Sikh nation today excommunicated a former provost, Prof.
Singh from the annals of Sikhdom allegedly for his
against the tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh. Coming on the
heels of
the decision to amend the NanakShahi calendar, it seems that
hold of the schismatic deras is becoming stronger and so is
clout and sway over religio-political developments in Punjab,
though they do not have ground support. Well-meaning Sikhs
throughout the world, though silent for the time being are
concerned over the developments and are squirming in dismay.
more are distraught and are unable to come to terms with the
At a meeting which lasted many hours within the sanctum sanctorum of Darbar Sahib, ensconced in the office adjacent to Akal Takht Sahib, the five religious heads, did not give any consideration to various pleas from various parts of the world by Sikh religious, social and political leaders, not to precipitate the matter and evolve such a solution as would not divide the Sikh community. Even attempts by five former Jathedars failed to evince any change of mind.
Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, Balwant Singh Nandgarh of Takht Damdama Sahib, Iqbal Singh of Takht Patna Sahib, Tarlochan Singh of Takht Kesgarh Sahib and Jotinder Singh from Takht Hazoor Sahib, all joined in the decision, announced in the evening from the portals of Akal Takht Sahib by Giani Gurbachan Singh. It is however reliably learnt that some of the Jathedars had personal reservations.
It remains to be seen how the Jathedars will react to the thousands of Sikhs who have defied the order and invited Prof. Darshan Singh for Kirtan as was exemplified in Raipur, where more than fifteen thousand Sikhs attended.
Rajinder Singh of Shiromani Khalsa Panchayat has remarked, “It is a black day for the Sikhs” Dal Khalsa secretary Kanwarpal Singh stated that it was a sad day. Scores of others have voiced their concern.