The precious gift for the learners and listeners of the text of Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gurbani is a pillar of life of a Sikh. Therefore to live his life according to the teachings of the Guru, every Sikh himself must go through the full text of Guru Granth Sahib ji, at least once in his lifetime. But the priest class who have adopted the religious as a business; have managed to keep away the common man from the Guru Granth Sahib. Acording to them reading the gurbani wrongly is a great sin . According to them, Shudh Ucharan (correct punanciation) of the gurbani text is not possible so long as a Gurbani santhia is not obtained from a learned scholar of gurbani (good pathi). So to got santhia one should must spend at least 2-3 years in Deras or Taksals` . But for the working class or the businessman it is not possible to spare such a long time. Because of this compulsion the mankind in general remain deprived of the advantage of general philosophy of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
To solve this problem, Bhai Satpal Singh Purewal worked very hard to prepare a software and uploaded it on his website . One may easily download this gurbani video tutor (software) from and installed in his computer. When this software is run - the Shudh Gurbani Ucharan, keeping in view gurbani grammar and meanings; can be heard in the voice of international missionary Giani Jagtar Singh Jachak who has attended and performed so many Pathbodh Smagms. As the Ucharn (phonetic voice) of the Shabad is heard at the same time the particulars Shabad is continued to be highlighted . This makes very easy to have the full knowlge of phonetic voice as well the spellings of the Shabad. With the help of this software one who has the desire to learn the Shudh Path may learn easily the full Path in a year or so if he managed to spend 10-15 minutes every day.