As a mother of three beautiful children the chapter of my life heads to a close....I reminisce and look at my life....all those years of trials and now look back and Waheguru lifted me above the turbulences and pain and how He has me at peace.....serene........and I look at myself now and I have any more time or will I die...soon..? and a voice answers back, as if to say..." will die someday...every one has to die for death is inevitable".. we don't know when death will knock on our door step..."Kya jana kiv merenge kaisa marana hoye..(Gurbani)" I started to think....I have nothing I can leave for my big mansion, no diamonds, no money......but I felt a strong urge to leave a legacy for my children....a legacy that will be with them forever.....someone that will protect them....take care of guide their path in the darkness....I want them to see how God lifted me above the turmoils of life and how every chapter in my life is a witness to His faith.....I want them to feel His Presence...I want my children to cry out to Waheguru when they are stressed or upset or mad....yes....I want them to hold on to Waheguru like they have never done before...."So help me God........"

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