Reportedly, the Director General (School Education) Krishan Kumar and the members including Joginder Singh, Parkash Singh, Jasbir Singh and Ashok Kumar of the editorial board of 'Gyan Sarovar', an encyclopedia for primary classes, appeared before the Sikh High priest Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh of Akal Takht to make apology.
They had published books containing controversial remarks about Bebe Nanaki ji, sister of first Sikh guru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, in primary level syllabus book 'Gyan Sarovar'.
Reports confirmed that Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh had accepted the apology and directed the Sikh Sangat to consider 'Gyan Sarovar' as a closed issue. DGS Krishan Kumar humbly apologised and told him that all issues which have been distributed so far will be withdrawn soon.
New issues to be released
While apologising, Krishan Kumar assured the Sikh high priest that fresh publication of books with edited matter will be published and such mistakes will not be repeated in future. "I apologise to the Sikh community for hurting the religious feelings," said Krishan Kumar.
After hearing the DGS Krishan Kumar, Jathedar exonerated the officials and warned them to take care in future to commit such mistakes which can hurt the sentiments of Sikh community.
More controversies Besides 'Gyan Sarovar', the Sarva Sikhiya Abhiyan has decided to withdraw the book 'Balu De Wal' from schools. Giani ji stated that the book contained some factual errors regarding Kesh.
Also, Giani ji gave warning to famous Bollywood actor-director and Parliament member Raj Babbar, who recently made a film on famous Sikh Emperor and warrior Maharaja Ranjit Singh, wherein clashes between Muslims and Sikh community were depicted.
Giani Gurbachan Singh said that such things will create differences between the two communities, so the film will be pulled from release.