An MP has strongly criticised school governors after it emerged that their decision to ban a Sikh pupil from wearing a religious bracelet will cost the school more than £76,000.

Sarika Watkins-Singh, now 15, was suspended from Aberdare Girls' School after insisting she should be allowed to wear a silver Kara bangle, one of the five symbols of Sikh identity.

The school argued she could not wear the bracelet because it contravened a ban on jewellery.

With the help of the human rights group Liberty, Sarika challenged the school's decision and won a judicial review case in the High Court.

Now, following a Freedom of Information request by local Labour MP Ann Clwyd, it has emerged that the school's legal fees came to £76,699.40. Having lost the case, the school will also have to pay Liberty's legal costs, which are understood to be on top of that amount.

Ms Clwyd said: "I am very concerned about the waste of taxpayers' money on a case which I and others told the governors they would lose. I knew from speaking to fellow Labour MPs representing areas like Wolverhampton, where there is a large Sikh population, that Sikhs are a protected minority under the Race Relations Act. There is an important case dating from 1983 that went to the House of Lords and confirmed Sikhs' rights.

"I am afraid that I have not found the school at all co-operative in dealing with inquiries I have made about this matter.

"I do not know which budget the legal fees will be paid from."

Ian Blake, who chairs the school's governing body, did not respond to an e-mail we sent him and no-one else at the school was prepared to comment.

A spokeswoman for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, the local education authority, said: "This is a matter entirely for the school, which is responsible for its own budget."

by Martin Shipton, Western Mail

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