Beet-Greens-Recipe (104K)Tuesday, April 19, 2011: Eat your Greens! So couple of weeks ago, I had thought about executing a plan which I have failed at previously. That was to convert into a Vegetarian.

The funny thing was the day that I was deciding about sort of pulling the trigger for sure or not one of my old college friends emailed me about my blog. He sent me the link to his blog and told me to check it out It was about his attempt, still not sure if it was for real or for humor, to become vegetarian.

Most of my life I have eaten meat without giving it much thought, and though I am not against or for it for a religious reason, I have always had my doubts about it. For me compassion starts from the very core of a being, since meat is now mainstream it is easy to buy it nicely packed cleaned without ever seeing an animal go through any sort of pain or suffering. If I had to kill the animal myself I would have been vegetarian from the beginning!

For those people who would love to argue with me on this subject, trust me I have reasons for both. I can/have argued both points fairly effectively (at least from my perspective :-)) and strongly believe it comes down to individual choice. If you feel you should eat it nothing wrong, enjoy it I understand! If you choose not to eat it then more power to you, I’ve always respected those who do not eat it based on their discipline alone, as living in a society where meat is so prevalent it takes persistence to avoid it.

In my previous attempt about 6 years ago I lasted 3 months, but much has changed since then. When my wife questioned how long I think I would last, my answer was A LOT longer, nothing is certain and since I am posting this I am opening myself up to failure and criticism from most of my friends and relatives which is ok. Justifying it to anyone else is not my priority. Last time I did not have the patience/tolerance I do now, after having kids I know that has increased. Also when I quit last time I had a strong desire and taste for meat, I used to eat out a lot more often and since then my life has changed drastically. My wife has changed profession to a home maker for the last 6 or so months, and let me tell you, getting good food at home is always a plus.

So here goes another attempt, last time I remember doing a whole ritual where I ate my last non-veg meal, but this time it was less dramatic, just sort of decided and here I go!

Wish me luck! To the haters relax, I got nothing against people who eat meat, it’s a personal choice I’m trying to execute, but if you still feel a need to comment or argue, BRING IT !


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