AnInvitation (86K)

Sikh Environment Day
March 14, 2018

Pay Tribute to Guru Har Rai Sahib and Take Environmental Action!

GuruHarRai (237K)

EcoSikh invites every Gurdwara and Sikh institution in the world to join in celebrating March 14th as Sikh Environment Day. This important day marks the New Year in the Sikh calendar and the Gurgaddi Diwas of our Seventh Guru, Sri Guru Har Rai Ji, who is remembered in Sikh history for his deep sensitivity to nature and its preservation.

This year, a record number of organizations around the world are participating in Sikh Environment Day to make Mata Dharat live-able and love-able for future generations!

Check here to see "Who is taking Part"?

Every year during the week of March 14th, hundreds of Gurdwaras across India, the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, Australia, and the world have taken part in this celebration by singing shabads focused on the environment, holding ceremonial tree plantings, and encouraging children to share reflections on the environment and Sikhism with the sangat.

Gurdwaras around the world are also coming up with their own creative ways to celebrate the day, through children's environmental art displays, environmental nagar kirtans, recycling drives for used goods, and by creatively reducing the use of energy and water. Many Gurdwaras have involved their own Punjabi/Khalsa Schools to organize events engaging children and youth to take a lead on this issue.

This year, March 14 is on Wednesday and many Gurdwaras and institutions are planning events throughout the weekend depending on their own convenience and sangat participation.

Vatavaran (250K)

7Steps (271K)

Downloadable Material in English and Punjabi for
Gurdwaras and Educational Institutions:
Below is list of resources with downloadable links which can be used
by Gurdwaras/ Schools and organizations for celebrations:
  • A PowerPoint slide show for your Gurdwara or Institute (PDF) in Punjabi and English
  • Ten minute Eco-prayer for Nature for Schools (PDF) in Punjabi and English
  • Classroom readout papers for ElementaryMiddle and Hig h School students in English.
  • Pledge form for Sangat; a sign up for environment care.
  • Sikh Environment Day Guide in English and in Punjabi (for more ideas on Sikh Environment Day)
  • Plus a Gurbani Kirtan Booklet (shabads on theme of Nature) to be sung on Sikh Environment Day

Please register to participate!

Please feel free to contact the EcoSikh team with any questions. We look forward to hear from you.

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