Taking out some time for ourself, in the first hour, is time well-invested. It could be just a few minutes of quiet time, focussing our mind in meditation or being one with nature - looking at lush green treees, the blue sky, chirping birds and breathing it all in.
One of my daily morning rituals is spending some time reading or listening to something inspirational. It could be a verse by Laozi or Eckhart Tolle or a verse from Japji Sahib. It clears my mind and gives me one focussed thought for the day.
Either we control the direction of our thoughts or let our thoughts control our life. There are days when you just don't feel good, no matter what.
On those days, give yourself the permission to just be and not judge yourself. Before we can love others, we need to love ourselves.People are not born happy or peaceful, it's the result of their daily choices.
Amandeep Kaur, Life Coach, as told to Nona Walia