Editor's Note: The followed was authored by Tvisha Ahuja who is 15 year old high school student from Dublin California. 


During my middle school years, I had come to believe that God was often mad at me. I had been bullied at school and had very few friends at that time. A
drop in a test score or an angry look on my parent's face would be enough to remind me that God doesn’t listen to my prayers-- He must be mad at me!


It has taken time, but with guidance, over the years, I am actively working to replace my worries with faith that God loves us unconditionally. Step by step, I am strengthening my faith and I am happy to share with you that which I have learned along the way.

I have learnt that this life is fleeting, and this world is an illusion. There is a test at every step. Whether we find ourselves surrounded by hot burning sands of the desert, or we find ourselves closer to the coolness of a mirage, there is a test at every step. No matter how difficult the test is, there is just one mantra for success: It is in His remembrance.


So, how does it work? Regardless of the situation, anything that brings us closer to God is good for us, and anything that takes us away from God is bad
for us. God is not angry. He has infinite and unconditional love for His creation. It is our response that makes all the difference. In times of ease, a believer responds with gratitude, and in hard times, a believer strengthens his faith with God-consciousness. So, for a believer, suffering is a cure and pleasure that makes him forget God is an addiction that must be shunned.

ਦੁਖੁ ਦਾਰੂ ਸੁਖੁ ਰੋਗੁ ਭਇਆ ਜਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਤਾਮਿ ਨ ਹੋਈ ॥

(dukh daaroo sukh rog bha-i-aa jaa sukh taam na ho-ee, SGGS Ji, Page 469).

Suffering is the medicine, and pleasure the disease, because where there is pleasure, there is no desire for God.

May God strengthen our faith and keep us close to Him! Chardi Kala.

Tvisha Ahuja

Tvisha Ahuja

Waves of life bring happiness and sadness, and I am learning that suffering can be prevented by developing inner strength. I want to share what I am learning - Writing has great power, and I hope to use it to make this world brighter. 

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