Fourth Annual Conference celebrating Prakash Utsava of Sri Guru Granth Sahib
“The timeless, universal message of SGGS -  across centuries, cultures,  religions and continents”

Saturday September 19, 2015, 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. at the Sikh Gurdwara San Jose Library
Sponsored by Chardi Kalaa Foundation, Sikh Gurdwara San Jose and SikhNet
For the last three years, these Conferences have brought together an eclectic mix of conferees that enrich us all.  Some participants are rigorously trained academicians but are also gifted in being able to connect with educated lay people; others are lay-Sikhs with an enviable record as public intellectuals.  Some have been rooted in India and the culture of Punjab while others have spent a lifetime in the West with faint ties to what is euphemistically labeled back home.  Some are barely in College; others are seniors in the community. 
The papers from the third conference in 2014 have been published in a special issue of Nishaan magazine, which will be distributed to all attendees of the conference this year. The papers from the first two conferences in 2013 and 2012 were published in special issues of the The Sikh Review published. 
We expect the papers from the fourth conference this year to also be published as a special issue of Nishaan.
Video recordings of the presentations as well as the text of the papers are available on the Chardi Kalaa Foundation web site ( This year's conference will be published similarly on the web.
‪Guidelines for Conference Participants 
‪The papers should be consistent with the conference theme
“The timeless, universal message of SGGS -  across centuries, cultures,  religions and continents”
The title of the paper, and an abstract of 100-200 words is requested as soon as possible. In addition, please provide  a  short bio, not to exceed 150 words, and a photo (head shot) preferably in Jpeg format. 
Each speaker will have 20 - 25 minutes to make a presentation, followed by about 5 minutes for Q & A
‪The paper should be between 2,000 and 3500 words in length. If you are including any Gurbani quotes, please provide them in Roman script. If you do include Gurmukhi text in your paper, we would request that you use Unicode fonts. The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste them from the web site at
A projector will be available for slide presentations for those of you who are planning to use slides. A PC laptop with Powerpoint will be available, but we recommend bringing your own laptop to avoid any technical glitches, such as incompatibility problems with fonts.
Please provide us your slide presentations, and we will post them on the Chardi Kalaa web site along with the papers and videos.

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