

Today, we are releasing, "Sikhs in the United States: A Profile of Who We Are," the first demographic research report on Sikh Americans in history. The report provides a glimpse of the Sikh American population.

Currently, there is a lack of demographic information available on Sikh Americans and over 2/3 of Americans admit to knowing nothing about Sikhism, the world's fifth largest religion. This research is part of a series of reports that seeks to bridge this gap in information and to help raise awareness of the Sikh faith in the United States.

The report includes data on Sikh Americans' demographic information including geographic location, education, income and political affiliation. Key findings include:

  • Geography - Sikh Americans were mainly found to live in California (35%) and New York (21%), as well as clustered populations in several metropolitan area around the country

  • Education - The sample population had higher levels of educational attainment than the average American with a majority (53%) having received a college degree, compared to 40% of the general public

  • Income - 74% of individuals in our research earned more than $50,000 per year

  • Political Affiliation - The overwhelming majority of the sample population are registered to vote and affiliate themselves with the Democratic Party.


"Our research illustrates how Sikhs are an immigrant community that has achieved the American Dream by becoming educated, employed, prosperous and politically active," said Nikhita Luthra, lead researcher and co-author of the report.

"As one of the world's youngest faiths, the continued lack of information and data around the Sikh American community in the United States has two troubling consequences: discrimination and misunderstanding, which hinders our ability to address them."

This research is the first of its kind and is imperative to better understand the lives of Sikh Americans and the challenges they may face with discrimination, bias and hate.

National Sikh Campaign team


National Sikh Campaign | www.SikhCampaign.org

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