TheDreamer (8K)
Dreamer (93K)


I dream by the day,
I dream by the night,
I dream and dream,
with all my might.
Let the naysayers say,
night is for sleeping,
let them scream,
day is for leading.
what do I care,
what they say,
I'm a dreamer after all;
you let your dreams pass by,
'cause you were either-
sleeping or working,
when they wanted to drop by.
And now you complain,
your dreams don't come true,
how would they, ask yourself
when you couldn't spare a moment,
to let your dreams follow through.
So I sing by the moonlight,
and smile with the sunshine,
'cause my dreams come true,
for I wait for 'em in my garden,
with open arms,
and a pot of tea freshly brewed.

Happiness in life, come from the creative side, if you won't foster your imagination, you'll end up with a joyless life.

by  Rakind Kaur

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