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Respectful Yet Effective: Smart Tips To Create Accessible Videos For Sikh Elders 

The average person consumes about 6 hours and 48 minutes of video content weekly, according to Limelight. Video content is an effective tool for getting messages across and educating audiences. It is also something that may be used to bring together the Sikh community, and older members can use video to connect with the younger generation. The trouble is that Sikh elders may not have the capacity to view videos, as they may be inhibited by age or disability. A good way to ensure that Sikh elders are able to consume videos and receive all the information shared with the community is by making them accessible. So how it is possible to create accessible videos for Sikh elders? 

What Is An “Accessible” Video? 

As video is easily one of the more used mediums to present information, it is crucial that it be something that people of all backgrounds can consume. This means that a video must consumable for those with additional needs like blurry vision or hearing conditions, which may be common in Sikh elders. In some areas, including the US, accessibility is enforced by law. For a video to be truly accessible, it must meet certain conditions that are set by Web Accessibility Initiative. It would be best to create all videos with accessibility in mind to avoid snags after production has wrapped. 

Captions And Audio Descriptions 

For starters, a video must have captions for those who are hearing impaired. Around 80% of people are more likely to watch a video if it contains captions, according to Tubular Insights. It is important to note that captions are not subtitles, as they incorporate more than dialogue. They also include any audio descriptions like closing doors or musical crescendos. In the case of Sikh elders, it would be prudent to include captions in a language that they are more comfortable with so that they may enjoy the video without any difficulty. The descriptive language used in the captions and audio descriptions must also be illustrative of what is going on in the video, instead of the creator just expecting the audience to know what is going on. 

Simplified And Respectful Content

Another way to ensure that a video is accessible is by simplifying the content or avoiding any loud or clashing colors that may disorient elderly viewers. It is recommended that videos use warm colors like red and yellow to help the elderly to see things better. Avoiding controversial content is also a must when it comes to Sikh elders. It would be best to refresh your mind on the prohibitions of the Sikh faith before making a video to avoid offending your audience. Checking the type of video player the content can be played on is also part of making a video accessible. It is crucial that a video is playable on different platforms to avoid limiting the audience reach.

Creating accessible videos for Sikh elders is no different from creating videos for anyone else. The difference is that careful attention must be paid to any images, topics and sounds that may be perceived as offensive or disrespectful. Keeping these in mind can help you formulate an accessible video that can be shared amongst the elders and kept for posterity. It is best to remember that video production is a trial-and-error process that will improve with time — so it’s best to keep trying until a fully accessible video is made.

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