Ashram (15K)

Objectives-Hdr (48K)

“Naam Jappo” and “Help the Needy” is the basic principle of this Institute (Ashram). Its main objective is to look after the homeless, destitute, disabled, blind, orphans, lepers, poor, homeless, aged and other needy people. The patients living in the Ashram are provided food, clothes, medical help and nursing care – all free of cost. The education of hundreds of needy students studying in government schools has also been sponsored.

For many years, the founder of the Charity Dr. Naurang Singh Mangat chose to pedal his bicycle on the dusty and bumpy roads of slum areas in and around Ludhiana city. He used to pick up the homeless sick people from the road sides and take them to the hospital for treatment and pay their expenses. Sometimes he had to even stay in the hospital to look after them.

His determination, sincerity, continuous hard work and unflinching belief to help the needy solicited the public support which ultimately led to establishing and building the institute “Guru Amar Das Apahaj Ashram”. The ground floor of the Ashram is now complete and is equipped with security system and solar power system.  

Dr Mangat  is a former Professor-cum-Scientist of Statistics at Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, University of Windsor (Canada) and  Senior Scientist at Morrison Scientific in Calgary (Canada). He is also a former Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, London.  Besides publishing about 60 research papers in world famous journals, he is a co-author of text book “Elements of Survey Sampling” published by Kluwer Academic Publishers based in Netherlands, London and Boston,  but now owned by Springer-Verlag of Germany.

About 25 homeless, mentally sick, disabled and elderly sick people are living in the Ashram permanently. The number is increasing every month. The time is not far when on completion of the remaining three floors, the institute will be catering to hundreds of disabled and homeless in the future.

For more information: email:   [email protected], [email protected]

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From the website of the Ashram


Picking up the Homeless

homeless1 (17K)

homeless2 (55K)

A homeless sick Narinder Kumar lying on roadside in Ludhiana was shifted to Ashram

Mentally sick and homeless Desu Ram lying on roadside near village Sudhar was brought to Ashram


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homeless4 (70K)

Dr Mangat picking up homeless sick Subhash from roadside in Ludhiana

Dr Mangat picking up homeless sick Raju from roadside in Ludhiana


Nursing Care

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Dr Mangat and a caretaker helping with bathing an elderly disabled homeless Jarnail Singh

Volunteers shifting an elderly disabled homeless


Medical Aid / Care

medical02 (102K)

medical03 (92K)

Luxmi (5) a mere skeleton of bones treated at DMC Hospital but could not survive.

Bhole's (5) life was in danger due to location and size of hernia in conjecture with urinal system. He was operated in DMC Hospital Ludhiana


Sponsored Children

sponsord01 (62K)

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We organise cultural activities for young children and try to keep them away from wrong path & drugs etc.

Our Objectives

  • To take care of (i) homeless, destitute, terminally ill, lepers, AIDS patients, and other seriously sick people; (ii) disabled, mentally sick, handicapped, blind, deaf and dumb; (iii) orphans, deserted kids, and poor kids; (iv) infirm (v) aged people.

  • Providing education, medical facilities etc.

  • To help victims of natural calamities.

  • To stop alcohol and drug abuse.

  • To promote mankind and brotherhood.

  • To improve quality of environment.

  • To impart free kirtan training to Sikh kids.

  • lop


  • The ground floor of the Ashram (institute) is complete. It has the capacity to provide free board and lodging, free food, free medical treatment and free nursing care to about 100 needy people.

  • About 25 homeless, mentally sick, disabled and elderly sick people are living in the Ashram permanently. The number is increasing every month.

  • Lives of more than 50 poor sick people were saved by providing medical help.

  • Wheelchairs, tricycles, crutches and sewing machines were distributed.

  • Education of more than 100 needy children has been sponsored.

  • Free kirtan training was imparted to about 25 Sikh kids to keep them away from drugs.


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