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Sikhi is divided into different groups, called jathas, each believing they're practicing it the right way. Leaders of these groups usually show tolerance toward each other to avoid more division. But sometimes, newcomers or passionate followers forget that all these groups share the same teachings. Regardless of the jatha you belong to, if you follow the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Panj Pyare, you're a Sikh. Being a Sikh isn't about following a specific jatha, it's about following the guidance from these sources.

The Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Panj Pyare aren't just for one group—they belong to everyone. Similar to how Guru Nanak Dev Ji wasn't just for Muslims or Hindus, but for all people. There's a story about Guru Nanak Dev Ji's departure for Sachkand, where Muslims and Hindus argued over who would perform his last rites. To show that Guru Ji belonged to everyone, the next morning, instead of his body, his followers found flowers. Those flowers were shared between the followers of both religions, proving his universal message.

The light within Guru Nanak Dev Ji now lives within the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, carrying the same message. It's a guide for anyone ready to listen and follow the path shown by Guru Ji. The teachings aren't exclusive—they're for everyone willing to embrace them.

If our Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, sees us as the same, why should we make divisions among ourselves? All Sikhs should listen to each other and respect different viewpoints. Listening and respecting doesn’t mean we must change our beliefs; it means we gain knowledge to understand what our Guru and the Panj Pyare are teaching, helping us grow as Sikhs. I believe various Sikh groups exist so we can learn from their resources to connect with Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Ultimately, if we can't connect with Guru Granth Sahib Ji or Waheguru Ji, all these differences don't matter.

Let’s see beyond the labels of different groups and recognize the Sikh in each person. Be open to learning from everyone and do whatever helps you connect with Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Waheguru Ji.

May Waheguru Ji bless us all to be one with Him.

*Based on an article by Sanmukh Kaur, published in fromthese5tothose5.wordpress.com on 4th November 2010


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