SikhNet Stories for Children
Announcing the 100th SikhNet Audio Story!

Since its inception, one of the main goals of SikhNet has been to provide resources for our children so that they have the tools and resources to become more spiritual individuals who able to use the tools of Sikhi to cope with life in these modern times, and live with strength in their identity as a Sikh. Over the years we have published many inspiring children's stories and now we have reached a milestone!

Today SikhNet is pleased to announce the publication
of the 100th SikhNet Audio Story for Children!

"The Greatest Super Power! The Story of Guru Harkrishan Ji"

The Challenge...
Most parents know the challenge of teaching our children about Sikhi. It can be hard in these busy times where it is common for both parents to work all day away from the kids. Many have less and less time to spend with their children (particularly to teach them about Sikhi.) SikhNet’s all original audio stories help you by creating new ways for your young ones to get inspired into their Sikhi through vibrant, fun and exciting audio stories. I know as a parent I would rather have my kids listening to fun and interesting Sikh Spiritual stories then playing a video game or watching television!

There is currently very little Sikh media content freely available for kids, so SikhNet has stepped up to fill that gap with wonderful content designed especially to inspire kids. (Adults like our stories too!)

NEW & Coming in 2013
In 2013 SikhNet will be beginning a pilot project of a completely NEW animated video format for the Children's Stories.
We are starting with a three part story aimed at young Kaurs. The new animated series will star Saibhang Kaur, a young girl who has a great destiny to become a spiritual warrior princess. Like every little girl who has a great destiny, she has many lessons to learn along the way. One day she discovers that her kirpan has some secrets of it's own!

Will you support this project and give some of your
Dasvandh to help inspire our our children?  Thank you!

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