According to legend, there once lived an elderly Indian yogi who dedicated his life to meditation high in the mountains. After years of devoted practice, he acquired numerous extraordinary powers and abilities, yet he sensed an essential element missing from his life.

This yogi had heard tales of an aged and exceptionally wise sage whose followers practised meditation while fully engaged in the everyday world. Curious and looking for  answers, the yogi decided to seek out this Teacher for guidance on his quest to understand how to live a fulfilling life. Upon their meeting, the yogi respectfully explained his quandary to the sage and posed a humble question, "Oh wise and revered Teacher, could you please enlighten me on the art of living?"

In response, the Teacher smiled and said, "Leave your current existence and be reborn into my family. Once you're part of my lineage, I will impart the wisdom of living." Gratefully, the old yogi accepted the Teacher's command, and on that very day, he consciously departed his physical form. Several months later, the wife of the Teacher's son gave birth to a baby boy. The Teacher, recognizing the yogi's soul in his grandson, insisted on meeting the child immediately. Upon seeing the baby, the Teacher beamed with joy and sang a song of recognition.

In this story,the instructor was Guru Amar Das, the third spiritual leader of the Sikh community. He imparted wisdom to guide the reincarnated yogi in living life through the beautiful verses of the Anand Sahib, also known as the Song of Bliss.

About Anand Sahib 

The Anand Sahib guides individuals to harmonize each breath with their inner soul's truth. It emphasizes that suffering arises when we chase the illusions of our minds rather than nurturing the divine essence within. The Anand Sahib acts as a guiding light, helping us navigate worldly challenges while staying connected to our spiritual identity.

Comprising 40 verses, the Anand Sahib aligns each verse with a specific life lesson, corresponding to the first 40 years of life. It recognizes the stages of personal growth from birth to 40, offering unique teachings to anchor oneself in the spirit rather than being ensnared by time and space. When these lessons are learned, a state of bliss naturally emerges—a state where you remain true to yourself despite life's trials and tribulations. This, in essence, is true happiness.

One can choose to meditate upon the entirety of Anand Sahib or focus on a specific year in their life – the present year or a year marked by events requiring healing. The Anand Sahib serves as a valuable tool to deepen one's yogic practice and gain insight into Yogi Bhajan's teachings. He  suggests us  to follow its teachings, pose self-reflective questions, befriend it, practice it diligently, and embody its wisdom. Through this practice, individuals can come to understand the precious gift bestowed by Guru Amar Das.

The hope is that all of us tune our lives with our higher selves and resonate with our innate divine nature. By doing so, we can establish a conscious connection with ourselves and the world around us. May we all consistently live in the presence of God's grace, fostering a harmonious existence.

*Based on an article by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa, published in Aquarian Times on 12th May 2009 


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