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March 1, 2016: By MISS B
Age Appropriate – Baba Fauja Singh

We are proud to release our latest Fashion Editorial AGE APPROPRIATE as showcased in the ever popular Los Angeles and New York City based OBVIOUS Magazine.


Model: Fauja Singh (Special Appearance by Mr Fluffy)

Fashion Stylist: Amrit Sagu

Location: A 1900s Town House in London

About The Model

Fauja Singh is 104 years old and holds the record for being the world’s oldest marathon runner.

Even at this ripe age he is an individual who is full of life & bags of energy! Throughout the shoot, which was shot over three days, Fauja Singh entertained the team with stories from his younger days & anecdotes from years gone by – he had us all in fits of laughing & in awe of his remarkable experiences.

Fauja Singh is most certainly someone who knows how to live life to its fullest & even a few days ago when I happened to bump into him at the local supermarket he greeted me with open arms and the biggest smile on his face – Fauja Singh is a true inspiration & we should all learn to live our lives like him!

We hope you enjoy browsing through the images below or by clicking on the links above to the actual editorial.

Don't forget to let us know what you think by posting a comment below!

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