We invite you to join us for a very special day of talks by wonderful speakers, Sikh youth kirtan, and community building. Celebrating the Prakash Utsav of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.


For those of you who don't live in the San Jose, Califorina Area, This year you can also tune in and watch the conference LIVE on SikhNet Facebook



Save The Date...
When: Sunday, August 19th  
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Where: Library, Sikh Gurdwara San Jose and LIVE via Facebook.

RSVP for the Event on Facebook


This year's conference speakers will include:

  • Dr.. I.J. Singh – The Purpose of Life
  • S. Gurumustuk Singh – I See God Inside of Everyone
  • Dr. Inderjit Kaur – Bisam bisam bisam hee bhaee hai: The Wonders of Wonders
  • Dr. Sangeeta Luthra - Disciple, student, scholar:  the relationship of a Sikh with her Guru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib
  • Dr. Kawaljeet Sunny Anand  
  • Dr. Inder Mohan Singh – Overcoming Haumai
  • Dr. Gurinder Pal Singh

Attendees will receive a free copy of the latest book by I. J. Singh 'Sikhi : The Journey & the Destination', as well as a copy of the special conference issue of Nishaan magazine that includes all the papers from last year's SGGS conference.

Panel discussion led by Sn. Jessi Kaur - Leadership Models Created by the Gurus and their Applicability in the Current Time.

Kirtan by two jathas of Sikh youth, and speeches by 5 young Sikhs

More details coming soon!

This conference is sponsored by The Chardi Kalaa Foundation,
the Sikh Gurdwara San Jose, and SikhNet.com.


Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Founder & Former CEO SikhNet.com - The oldest & largest Sikh web service & organization serving over 7 millions users from around the world

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