[VIDEO] Suneet Tuli, President & CEO at Datawind, cites that India alone has a billion people not currently connected to the internet. His company has a plan to bring access to these billion.
Sitting on my desk is a lovely note, written on thick, customized stationery with my name scrawled across the top. It's in my handwriting, but I didn't write it. A robot did.
“It is for anything that is real-time that you can’t find anywhere else, and the only way you can get that information is if you ask somebody who happens to be there,” explains Sukhsagar Singh.
Lots of time, and I am not the only one, who is unable to enjoy kirtan due to large quantity of sound equipment, at high volumes, projecting in our temples, which in fact is doubled or tripled on a day of celebration or a Gurpurab.
Atinderpal (Atinder) Singh Multani won the $10,000 grand prize for his app, HosNav, which focuses on improving the patient experience at Osler's hospitals. The app includes helpful tools like hospital maps, parking information...
India centre of Sikh American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) has started inviting applications from young entrepreneurs to develop digital apps for social development and make a difference in the lives of people, ...
"Working on 'Frozen' was an absolutely wonderful experience. I loved the story idea of this film from the get go, and all the creative and technical challenges that came along with it."
Satwant Kaur, who has made a name for herself as the ‘First Lady of Emerging Technologies‘, will elaborate on the possibilities of making science fiction into reality during her keynote address at the 2014 IT Expo.
From scrolling through sacred texts on hand-held tablets during services to heading online for spiritually centered classes, members of religious communities across Metro Detroit are taking advantage of the latest technology to enhance worship, learn about their faith and conveniently observe centuries-old traditions.
Still, researchers aren't convinced that today's cutting-edge computers are a match for the highly-adaptive human brain. But that could soon change,...
Google Glass could be the next must-have gadget if the company can allay privacy fears and overcome its label as a 'Segway for your face.'
Many technologists agree that these services will probably become mainstream, eventually incorporated in alarm clocks, refrigerators and bathroom mirrors.
The digital divide continues to shrink throughout the world, but women in low-income countries do not have equal participation in this technological revolution. Although more than one billion women have access to a mobile phone in developing countries, a woman living there is still 21% less likely to own a cell phone than a man.
I ENCOUNTERED something on this trip to India that I had never met before: a whole new political community — India’s “virtual middle class.”
"I don’t care about creating the iPad killer. I care about the 3 billion people who can afford this device."
IBM says the next wave of computing devices will address areas never before associated with technology, including the ability to see, smell, taste, and hear.
I had noted a secret aversion for Yoga in the minds of the Sikhs, scattered in different parts of the world. This aversion had been born because of the efforts of some teachers to present Sikhism in the light of traditional Yoga.
Sikhs don’t make much religion news. They don’t go on TV announcing their intention to burn Korans; they don’t loudly forecast apocalypse; and they have not had to defend their faith as one of them races to be president of the United States.
As access to devices has spread, children in poorer families are spending considerably more time than children from more well-off families using their television and gadgets to watch shows and videos, play games and connect on social networking sites, studies show.
It's a real musical instrument that's always in your pocket. Wave your mobile phone through the air to play ethereal music. Gurbani Raag scales are built into the Sound Wand app as "Morning" (Asa) "Afternoon" (Gauri) "Evening" (Sri Raag) and "Bedtime" (Kaanra.)
Google on Wednesday unveiled Project Glass, a secret program designed to bring augmented-reality to the masses.
It wasn’t so long ago that legions of people began walking the streets, talking to themselves.
The report examines the dramatic growth we’re seeing in the mobile Internet space, including the massive demands for mobile data, the growth of mobile video, and the rise of the smartphone as new gateway to the web itself.
The address book in smartphones — where some of the user’s most personal data is carried — is free for app developers to take at will, often without the phone owner’s knowledge.
Growing up with the Internet gives today’s children a very unique view on the way the world works — one that is vastly different from that of older generations.
THE world hit seven billion people last week, and I think I met half of them on the road from New Delhi to Agra here in India. They were on foot, on bicycle, on motor scooters. They were in pickups, dented cars and crammed into motorized rickshaws.
Adherents of the Sikh faith may be few and far between in Topeka and other parts of the nation, but many are finding they can connect with their India-based religious traditions — thanks to modern technology.
What do the so called sacred sites all over the world have to do with consciousness? Is it possible that the ancients left us keys to who we really are and what we are capable of? What does sacred geometry really have to do with these sites, our consciousness and even the symbology of world religions?
It’s all about Mormons controlling their own image, church officials say. They’ve been doing that for a century or more. And now, with two of their own vying for the Republican nomination in the 2012 presidential race, and a Broadway hit and reality television generating huge interest in the denomination, much is at stake.
One of the primary reasons people buy a smartphone is for the ability to download all kinds of different mobile applications, otherwise known as apps...


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