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pwvau DUir qyry dws kI nwnk kurbwxI ]4]3]33] (809-1, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
paava-o Dhoor tayray daas kee naanak kurbaanee. ||4||3||33||
Please bless me with the dust of the feet of Your slaves; Nanak is a sacrifice. ||4||3||33||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (809-1)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

rwKhu ApnI srix pRB moih ikrpw Dwry ] (809-2, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
raakho apnee saran parabh mohi kirpaa Dhaaray.
Keep me under Your Protection, God; shower me with Your Mercy.

syvw kCU n jwnaU nIcu mUrKwry ]1] (809-2, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
sayvaa kachhoo na jaan-oo neech moorkhaaray. ||1||
I do not know how to serve You; I am just a low-life fool. ||1||

mwnu krau quDu aUpry myry pRIqm ipAwry ] (809-2, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
maan kara-o tuDh oopray mayray pareetam pi-aaray.
I take pride in You, O my Darling Beloved.

hm AprwDI sd BUlqy qum@ bKsnhwry ]1] rhwau ] (809-3, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
ham apraaDhee sad bhooltay tumH bakhsanhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sinner, continuously making mistakes; You are the Forgiving Lord. ||1||Pause||

hm Avgn krh AsMK nIiq qum@ inrgun dwqwry ] (809-3, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
ham avgan karah asaNkh neet tumH nirgun daataaray.
I make mistakes each and every day. You are the Great Giver;

dwsI sMgiq pRBU iqAwig ey krm hmwry ]2] (809-4, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
daasee sangat parabhoo ti-aag ay karam hamaaray. ||2||
I am worthless. I associate with Maya, your hand-maiden, and I renounce You, God; such are my actions. ||2||

qum@ dyvhu sBu ikCu dieAw Dwir hm AikrqGnwry ] (809-4, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
tumH dayvhu sabh kichh da-i-aa Dhaar ham akirat-ghanaaray.
You bless me with everything, showering me with Mercy; And I am such an ungrateful wretch!

lwig pry qyry dwn isau nh iciq Ksmwry ]3] (809-5, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
laag paray tayray daan si-o nah chit khasmaaray. ||3||
I am attached to Your gifts, but I do not even think of You, O my Lord and Master. ||3||

quJ qy bwhir ikCu nhI Bv kwtnhwry ] (809-5, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
tujh tay baahar kichh nahee bhav kaatanhaaray.
There is none other than You, O Lord, Destroyer of fear.

khu nwnk srix dieAwl gur lyhu mugD auDwry ]4]4]34] (809-6, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
kaho naanak saran da-i-aal gur layho mugaDh uDhaaray. ||4||4||34||
Says Nanak, I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Guru; I am so foolish - please, save me! ||4||4||34||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (809-7)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

dosu n kwhU dIjIAY pRBu Apnw iDAweIAY ] (809-7, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
dos na kaahoo deejee-ai parabh apnaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Don't blame anyone else; meditate on your God.

ijqu syivAY suKu hoie Gnw mn soeI gweIAY ]1] (809-7, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
jit sayvi-ai sukh ho-ay ghanaa man so-ee gaa-ee-ai. ||1||
Serving Him, great peace is obtained; O mind, sing His Praises. ||1||

khIAY kwie ipAwry quJu ibnw ] (809-8, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
kahee-ai kaa-ay pi-aaray tujh binaa.
O Beloved, other than You, who else should I ask?

qum@ dieAwl suAwmI sB Avgn hmw ]1] rhwau ] (809-8, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
tumH da-i-aal su-aamee sabh avgan hamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are my Merciful Lord and Master; I am filled with all faults. ||1||Pause||

ijau qum@ rwKhu iqau rhw Avru nhI cwrw ] (809-9, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
ji-o tumH raakho ti-o rahaa avar nahee chaaraa.
As You keep me, I remain; there is no other way.

nIDirAw Dr qyrIAw iek nwm ADwrw ]2] (809-9, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
neeDhri-aa Dhar tayree-aa ik naam aDhaaraa. ||2||
You are the Support of the unsupported; You Name is my only Support. ||2||

jo qum@ krhu soeI Blw min lyqw mukqw ] (809-10, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
jo tumH karahu so-ee bhalaa man laytaa muktaa.
One who accepts whatever You do as good - that mind is liberated.

sgl smgRI qyrIAw sB qyrI jugqw ]3] (809-10, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
sagal samagree tayree-aa sabh tayree jugtaa. ||3||
The entire creation is Yours; all are subject to Your Ways. ||3||

crn pKwrau kir syvw jy Twkur BwvY ] (809-10, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
charan pakhaara-o kar sayvaa jay thaakur bhaavai.
I wash Your Feet and serve You, if it pleases You, O Lord and Master.

hohu ik®pwl dieAwl pRB nwnku gux gwvY ]4]5]35] (809-11, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
hohu kirpaal da-i-aal parabh naanak gun gaavai. ||4||5||35||
Be Merciful, O God of Compassion, that Nanak may sing Your Glorious Praises. ||4||5||35||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (809-11)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

imrqu hsY isr aUpry psUAw nhI bUJY ] (809-12, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
mirat hasai sir oopray pasoo-aa nahee boojhai.
Death hovers over his head, laughing, but the beast does not understand.

bwd swd AhMkwr mih mrxw nhI sUJY ]1] (809-12, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
baad saad ahaNkaar meh marnaa nahee soojhai. ||1||
Entangled in conflict, pleasure and egotism, he does not even think of death. ||1||

siqguru syvhu Awpnw kwhy iPrhu ABwgy ] (809-13, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
satgur sayvhu aapnaa kaahay firahu abhaagay.
So serve your True Guru; why wander around miserable and unfortunate?

dyiK ksuMBw rMgulw kwhy BUil lwgy ]1] rhwau ] (809-13, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
daykh kasumbhaa rangulaa kaahay bhool laagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You gaze upon the transitory, beautiful safflower, but why do you get attached to it? ||1||Pause||

kir kir pwp drbu kIAw vrqx kY qweI ] (809-14, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
kar kar paap darab kee-aa vartan kai taa-ee.
You commit sins again and again, to gather wealth to spend.

mwtI isau mwtI rlI nwgw auiT jweI ]2] (809-14, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
maatee si-o maatee ralee naagaa uth jaa-ee. ||2||
But your dust shall mix with dust; you shall arise and depart naked. ||2||

jw kY kIAY sRmu krY qy bYr ibroDI ] (809-14, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
jaa kai kee-ai saram karai tay bair biroDhee.
Those for whom you work, will become your spiteful enemies.

AMq kwil Bij jwihgy kwhy jlhu kroDI ]3] (809-15, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
ant kaal bhaj jaahigay kaahay jalahu karoDhee. ||3||
In the end, they will run away from you; why do you burn for them in anger? ||3||

dws ryxu soeI hoAw ijsu msqik krmw ] (809-15, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
daas rayn so-ee ho-aa jis mastak karmaa.
He alone becomes the dust of the Lord's slaves, who has such good karma upon his forehead.

khu nwnk bMDn Cuty siqgur kI srnw ]4]6]36] (809-16, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
kaho naanak banDhan chhutay satgur kee sarnaa. ||4||6||36||
Says Nanak, he is released from bondage, in the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||4||6||36||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (809-16)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

ipMgul prbq pwir pry Kl cqur bkIqw ] (809-17, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
pingul parbat paar paray khal chatur bakeetaa.
The cripple crosses over the mountain, the fool becomes a wise man,

AMDuly iqRBvx sUiJAw gur Byit punIqw ]1] (809-17, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
anDhulay taribhavan soojhi-aa gur bhayt puneetaa. ||1||
and the blind man sees the three worlds, by meeting with the True Guru and being purified. ||1||

mihmw swDU sMg kI sunhu myry mIqw ] (809-17, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
mahimaa saaDhoo sang kee sunhu mayray meetaa.
This is the Glory of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; listen, O my friends.

mYlu KoeI koit AG hry inrml Bey cIqw ]1] rhwau ] (809-18, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
mail kho-ee kot agh haray nirmal bha-ay cheetaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Filth is washed away, millions of sins are dispelled, and the consciousness becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||Pause||

AYsI Bgiq goivMd kI kIit hsqI jIqw ] (809-18, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
aisee bhagat govind kee keet hastee jeetaa.
Such is devotional worship of the Lord of the Universe, that the ant can overpower the elephant.

jo jo kIno Awpno iqsu ABY dwnu dIqw ]2] (809-19, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
jo jo keeno aapno tis abhai daan deetaa. ||2||
Whoever the Lord makes His own, is blessed with the gift of fearlessness. ||2||

isMGu iblweI hoie gieE iqRxu myru idKIqw ] (809-19, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
singh bilaa-ee ho-ay ga-i-o tarin mayr dikheetaa.
The lion becomes a cat, and the mountain looks like a blade of grass.