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nwnk sw krmwiq swihb quTY jo imlY ]1] (475-1, Awsw, mÚ 2)
naanak saa karmaat saahib tuthai jo milai. ||1||
O Nanak, that is the most wonderful gift, which is received from the Lord, when He is totally pleased. ||1||

mhlw 2 ] (475-1)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

eyh iknyhI cwkrI ijqu Bau Ksm n jwie ] (475-1, Awsw, mÚ 2)
ayh kinayhee chaakree jit bha-o khasam na jaa-ay.
What sort of service is this, by which the fear of the Lord Master does not depart?

nwnk syvku kwFIAY ij syqI Ksm smwie ]2] (475-2, Awsw, mÚ 2)
naanak sayvak kaadhee-ai je saytee khasam samaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, he alone is called a servant, who merges with the Lord Master. ||2||

pauVI ] (475-2)

nwnk AMq n jwpn@I hir qw ky pwrwvwr ] (475-3, Awsw, mÚ 2)
naanak ant na jaapnHee har taa kay paaraavaar.
O Nanak, the Lord's limits cannot be known; He has no end or limitation.

Awip krwey swKqI iPir Awip krwey mwr ] (475-3, Awsw, mÚ 2)
aap karaa-ay saakh-tee fir aap karaa-ay maar.
He Himself creates, and then He Himself destroys.

iekn@w glI jMjIrIAw ieik qurI cVih ibsIAwr ] (475-3, Awsw, mÚ 2)
iknHaa galee janjeeree-aa ik turee charheh bisee-aar.
Some have chains around their necks, while some ride on many horses.

Awip krwey kry Awip hau kY isau krI pukwr ] (475-4, Awsw, mÚ 2)
aap karaa-ay karay aap ha-o kai si-o karee pukaar.
He Himself acts, and He Himself causes us to act. Unto whom should I complain?

nwnk krxw ijin kIAw iPir iqs hI krxI swr ]23] (475-4, Awsw, mÚ 2)
naanak karnaa jin kee-aa fir tis hee karnee saar. ||23||
O Nanak, the One who created the creation - He Himself takes care of it. ||23||

sloku mÚ 1 ] (475-5)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

Awpy BWfy swijAnu Awpy pUrxu dyie ] (475-5, Awsw, mÚ 1)
aapay bhaaNday saaji-an aapay pooran day-ay.
He Himself fashioned the vessel of the body, and He Himself fills it.

iekn@I duDu smweIAY ieik cul@Y rhin@ cVy ] (475-6, Awsw, mÚ 1)
iknHee duDh samaa-ee-ai ik chulHai rehniH charhay.
Into some, milk is poured, while others remain on the fire.

ieik inhwlI pY svin@ ieik aupir rhin KVy ] (475-6, Awsw, mÚ 1)
ik nihaalee pai savniH ik upar rahan kharhay.
Some lie down and sleep on soft beds, while others remain watchful.

iqn@w svwry nwnkw ijn@ kau ndir kry ]1] (475-7, Awsw, mÚ 1)
tinHaa savaaray naankaa jinH ka-o nadar karay. ||1||
He adorns those, O Nanak, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace. ||1||

mhlw 2 ] (475-7)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

Awpy swjy kry Awip jweI iB rKY Awip ] (475-7, Awsw, mÚ 2)
aapay saajay karay aap jaa-ee bhe rakhai aap.
He Himself creates and fashions the world, and He Himself keeps it in order.

iqsu ivic jMq aupwie kY dyKY Qwip auQwip ] (475-8, Awsw, mÚ 2)
tis vich jant upaa-ay kai daykhai thaap uthaap.
Having created the beings within it, He oversees their birth and death.

iks no khIAY nwnkw sBu ikCu Awpy Awip ]2] (475-8, Awsw, mÚ 2)
kis no kahee-ai naankaa sabh kichh aapay aap. ||2||
Unto whom should we speak, O Nanak, when He Himself is all-in-all? ||2||

pauVI ] (475-8)

vfy kIAw vifAweIAw ikCu khxw khxu n jwie ] (475-9, Awsw, mÚ 2)
vaday kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa kichh kahnaa kahan na jaa-ay.
The description of the greatness of the Great Lord cannot be described.

so krqw kwdr krImu dy jIAw irjku sMbwih ] (475-9, Awsw, mÚ 2)
so kartaa kaadar kareem day jee-aa rijak sambaahi.
He is the Creator, all-powerful and benevolent; He gives sustenance to all beings.

sweI kwr kmwvxI Duir CofI iqMnY pwie ] (475-10, Awsw, mÚ 2)
saa-ee kaar kamaavnee Dhur chhodee tinnai paa-ay.
The mortal does that work, which has been pre-destined from the very beginning.

nwnk eykI bwhrI hor dUjI nwhI jwie ] (475-10, Awsw, mÚ 2)
naanak aykee baahree hor doojee naahee jaa-ay.
O Nanak, except for the One Lord, there is no other place at all.

so kry ij iqsY rjwie ]24]1] suDu (475-10, Awsw, mÚ 2)
so karay je tisai rajaa-ay. ||24||1|| suDhu
He does whatever He wills. ||24||1|| Sudh||

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gurpRswid ] (475-12)
ik-oNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gurparsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:

rwgu Awsw bwxI Bgqw kI ] (475-13)
raag aasaa banee bhagtaa kee.
Raag Aasaa, The Word Of The Devotees:

kbIr jIau nwmdyau jIau rivdws jIau ] (475-13)
kabeer jee-o naamday-o jee-o ravidaas jee-o.
Kabeer, Naam Dayv And Ravi Daas.

Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ] (475-13)
aasaa saree kabeer jee-o.
Aasaa, Kabeer Jee:

gur crx lwig hm ibnvqw pUCq kh jIau pwieAw ] (475-14, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
gur charan laag ham binvataa poochhat kah jee-o paa-i-aa.
Falling at the Feet of the Guru, I pray, and ask Him, "Why was man created?

kvn kwij jgu aupjY ibnsY khhu moih smJwieAw ]1] (475-14, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
kavan kaaj jag upjai binsai kahhu mohi samjhaa-i-aa. ||1||
What deeds cause the world to come into being, and be destroyed? Tell me, that I may understand."||1||

dyv krhu dieAw moih mwrig lwvhu ijqu BY bMDn qUtY ] (475-15, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
dayv karahu da-i-aa mohi maarag laavhu jit bhai banDhan tootai.
O Divine Guru, please, show Mercy to me, and place me on the right path, by which the bonds of fear may be cut away.

jnm mrn duK PyV krm suK jIA jnm qy CUtY ]1] rhwau ] (475-15, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
janam maran dukh fayrh karam sukh jee-a janam tay chhootai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The pains of birth and death come from past actions and karma; peace comes when the soul finds release from reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw Pws bMD nhI PwrY Aru mn suMin n lUky ] (475-16, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
maa-i-aa faas banDh nahee faarai ar man sunn na lookay.
The mortal does not break free from the bonds of the noose of Maya, and he does not seek the shelter of the profound, absolute Lord.

Awpw pdu inrbwxu n cIin@Aw ien ibiD AiBau n cUky ]2] (475-17, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
aapaa pad nirbaan na cheenHi-aa in biDh abhi-o na chookay. ||2||
He does not realize the dignity of the self, and Nirvaanaa; because of this, his doubt does not depart. ||2||

khI n aupjY aupjI jwxY Bwv ABwv ibhUxw ] (475-17, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
kahee na upjai upjee jaanai bhaav abhaav bihoonaa.
The soul is not born, even though he thinks it is born; it is free from birth and death.

audY Asq kI mn buiD nwsI qau sdw shij ilv lIxw ]3] (475-18, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
udai asat kee man buDh naasee ta-o sadaa sahj liv leenaa. ||3||
When the mortal gives up his ideas of birth and death, he remains constantly absorbed in the Lord's Love. ||3||

ijau pRiqibMbu ibMb kau imlI hY audk kuMBu ibgrwnw ] (475-18, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
ji-o partibimb bimb ka-o milee hai udak kumbh bigraanaa.
As the reflection of an object blends in the water when the pitcher is broken,

khu kbIr AYsw gux BRmu Bwgw qau mnu suMin smwnW ]4]1] (475-19, Awsw, Bgq kbIr jI)
kaho kabeer aisaa gun bharam bhaagaa ta-o man sunn samaanaaN. ||4||1||
says Kabeer, just so virtue dispels doubt, and then the soul is absorbed in the profound, absolute Lord. ||4||1||