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Page 275 iqs kw nwmu siq rwmdwsu ] Awqm rwmu iqsu ndrI AwieAw ] (275-1, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)aatam raam tis nadree aa-i-aa. He comes to have the Vision of the Lord, the Supreme Soul. dws dsMqx Bwie iqin pwieAw ] (275-1, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)daas dasantan bhaa-ay tin paa-i-aa. Deeming himself to be the slave of the Lord's slaves, he obtains it. sdw inkit inkit hir jwnu ] (275-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)sadaa nikat nikat har jaan. He knows the Lord to be Ever-present, close at hand. so dwsu drgh prvwnu ] (275-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)so daas dargeh parvaan. Such a servant is honored in the Court of the Lord. Apuny dws kau Awip ikrpw krY ] (275-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)apunay daas ka-o aap kirpaa karai. To His servant, He Himself shows His Mercy. iqsu dws kau sB soJI prY ] (275-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)tis daas ka-o sabh sojhee parai. Such a servant understands everything. sgl sMig Awqm audwsu ] (275-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)sagal sang aatam udaas. Amidst all, his soul is unattached. AYsI jugiq nwnk rwmdwsu ]6] (275-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)aisee jugat naanak raamdaas. ||6|| Such is the way, O Nanak, of the Lord's servant. ||6|| pRB kI AwigAw Awqm ihqwvY ] (275-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)parabh kee aagi-aa aatam hitaavai. One who, in his soul, loves the Will of God, jIvn mukiq soaU khwvY ] (275-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)jeevan mukat so-oo kahaavai. is said to be Jivan Mukta - liberated while yet alive. qYsw hrKu qYsw ausu sogu ] (275-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)taisaa harakh taisaa us sog. As is joy, so is sorrow to him. sdw An�du qh nhI ibEgu ] (275-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)sadaa anand tah nahee bi-og. He is in eternal bliss, and is not separated from God. qYsw suvrnu qYsI ausu mwtI ] (275-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)taisaa suvran taisee us maatee. As is gold, so is dust to him. qYsw AMimRqu qYsI ibKu KwtI ] (275-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)taisaa amrit taisee bikh khaatee. As is ambrosial nectar, so is bitter poison to him. qYsw mwnu qYsw AiBmwnu ] (275-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)taisaa maan taisaa abhimaan. As is honor, so is dishonor. qYsw rMku qYsw rwjwnu ] (275-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)taisaa rank taisaa raajaan. As is the beggar, so is the king. jo vrqwey sweI jugiq ] (275-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)jo vartaa-ay saa-ee jugat. Whatever God ordains, that is his way. nwnk Ehu purKu khIAY jIvn mukiq ]7] (275-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)naanak oh purakh kahee-ai jeevan mukat. ||7|| O Nanak, that being is known as Jivan Mukta. ||7|| pwrbRhm ky sgly Twau ] (275-7, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)paarbarahm kay saglay thaa-o. All places belong to the Supreme Lord God. ijqu ijqu Gir rwKY qYsw iqn nwau ] (275-7, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)jit jit ghar raakhai taisaa tin naa-o. According to the homes in which they are placed, so are His creatures named. Awpy krn krwvn jogu ] (275-7, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)aapay karan karaavan jog. He Himself is the Doer, the Cause of causes. pRB BwvY soeI Puin hogu ] (275-8, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)parabh bhaavai so-ee fun hog. Whatever pleases God, ultimately comes to pass. psirE Awip hoie Anq qrMg ] (275-8, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)pasri-o aap ho-ay anat tarang. He Himself is All-pervading, in endless waves. lKy n jwih pwrbRhm ky rMg ] (275-8, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)lakhay na jaahi paarbarahm kay rang. The playful sport of the Supreme Lord God cannot be known. jYsI miq dyie qYsw prgws ] (275-9, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)jaisee mat day-ay taisaa pargaas. As the understanding is given, so is one enlightened. pwrbRhmu krqw Aibnws ] (275-9, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)paarbarahm kartaa abinaas. The Supreme Lord God, the Creator, is eternal and everlasting. sdw sdw sdw dieAwl ] (275-9, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)sadaa sadaa sadaa da-i-aal. Forever, forever and ever, He is merciful. ismir ismir nwnk Bey inhwl ]8]9] (275-10, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)simar simar naanak bha-ay nihaal. ||8||9|| Remembering Him, remembering Him in meditation, O Nanak, one is blessed with ecstasy. ||8||9|| sloku ] (275-10)salok. Shalok: ausqiq krih Anyk jn AMqu n pwrwvwr ] (275-10, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ustat karahi anayk jan ant na paaraavaar. Many people praise the Lord. He has no end or limitation. nwnk rcnw pRiB rcI bhu ibiD Aink pRkwr ]1] (275-11, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)naanak rachnaa parabh rachee baho biDh anik parkaar. ||1|| O Nanak, God created the creation, with its many ways and various species. ||1|| AstpdI ] (275-11)asatpadee. Ashtapadee: keI koit hoey pUjwrI ] (275-11, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot ho-ay poojaaree. Many millions are His devotees. keI koit Awcwr ibauhwrI ] (275-11, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot aachaar bi-uhaaree. Many millions perform religious rituals and worldly duties. keI koit Bey qIrQ vwsI ] (275-12, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot bha-ay tirath vaasee. Many millions become dwellers at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. keI koit bn BRmih audwsI ] (275-12, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot ban bharmeh udaasee. Many millions wander as renunciates in the wilderness. keI koit byd ky sRoqy ] (275-12, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot bayd kay sarotay. Many millions listen to the Vedas. keI koit qpIsur hoqy ] (275-13, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot tapeesur hotay. Many millions become austere penitents. keI koit Awqm iDAwnu Dwrih ] (275-13, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot aatam Dhi-aan Dhaareh. Many millions enshrine meditation within their souls. keI koit kib kwib bIcwrih ] (275-13, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot kab kaab beechaareh. Many millions of poets contemplate Him through poetry. keI koit nvqn nwm iDAwvih ] (275-14, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot navtan naam Dhi-aavahi. Many millions meditate on His eternally new Naam. nwnk krqy kw AMqu n pwvih ]1] (275-14, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)naanak kartay kaa ant na paavahi. ||1|| O Nanak, none can find the limits of the Creator. ||1|| keI koit Bey AiBmwnI ] (275-14, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot bha-ay abhimaanee. Many millions become self-centered. keI koit AMD AigAwnI ] (275-15, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot anDh agi-aanee. Many millions are blinded by ignorance. keI koit ikrpn kTor ] (275-15, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot kirpan kathor. Many millions are stone-hearted misers. keI koit AiBg Awqm inkor ] (275-15, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot abhig aatam nikor. Many millions are heartless, with dry, withered souls. keI koit pr drb kau ihrih ] (275-15, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot par darab ka-o hireh. Many millions steal the wealth of others. keI koit pr dUKnw krih ] (275-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot par dookhnaa karahi. Many millions slander others. keI koit mwieAw sRm mwih ] (275-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot maa-i-aa saram maahi. Many millions struggle in Maya. keI koit prdys BRmwih ] (275-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot pardays bharmaahi. Many millions wander in foreign lands. ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgnw ] (275-17, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)jit jit laavhu tit tit lagnaa. Whatever God attaches them to - with that they are engaged. nwnk krqy kI jwnY krqw rcnw ]2] (275-17, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)naanak kartay kee jaanai kartaa rachnaa. ||2|| O Nanak, the Creator alone knows the workings of His creation. ||2|| keI koit isD jqI jogI ] (275-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot siDh jatee jogee. Many millions are Siddhas, celibates and Yogis. keI koit rwjy rs BogI ] (275-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot raajay ras bhogee. Many millions are kings, enjoying worldly pleasures. keI koit pMKI srp aupwey ] (275-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot pankhee sarap upaa-ay. Many millions of birds and snakes have been created. keI koit pwQr ibrK inpjwey ] (275-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot paathar birakh nipjaa-ay. Many millions of stones and trees have been produced. keI koit pvx pwxI bYsMqr ] (275-19, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot pavan paanee baisantar. Many millions are the winds, waters and fires. keI koit dys BU mMfl ] (275-19, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot days bhoo mandal. Many millions are the countries and realms of the world. keI koit ssIAr sUr nK�qR ] (275-19, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)ka-ee kot sasee-ar soor nakh-yatar. Many millions are the moons, suns and stars. |
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