Report on the


One of the dustbins installed as part of  the Safai Seva Project

Environmental Problems
   Project Components   Safai Seva Report 1999   Safai Seva Strategies 2000    Environmental Messages:  Punjabi and English   Environmental Slogans:  Punjabi or Hindi or English   Gurdwara Announcement  

 Each year, the four-month yatra to Sri Hemkunt Sahib brings more than 1,50,000 people to the Bhyundar Valley.  Along with these visitors come some serious environmental impacts to this remote mountainous region:

             1.      WASTE ACCUMULATION

Inadequate waste disposal facilities for non-biodegradable waste (plastic, metal, and glasscan be recycled) and biodegradable waste (organic food, cloth, and papercan be buried or burned)


Inadequate sewage disposal facilities (new toilets and septic tanks can be constructed; old ones too near water supplies can be disinfected and closed)


Harvesting of firewood (diesel and kerosene burning stoves can be used)


Illegal collection of medicinal plants, picking of wildflowers, over-grazing by livestock, human encroachment on animal habitat (fines can be levied on those who harvest wild plants and allow their mules and cattle to graze in fragile high-altitude meadows; further development in the area can be slowed or stopped)

 Chief among these impacts is waste accumulation.  The Sri Hemkunt Sahib Environment Safai Seva Project has been designed to clean all the accumulated waste between Gobind Ghat and Sri Hemkunt Sahib and prevent further accumulation.

Sacks of Collected Garbage

Sacks of garbage collected along the pilgrimage route

  The Project has three components:

             1.      INFRASTRUCTURE

First, waste disposal infrastructure has to be put in place:  dustbins for collection of garbage; sites for dumping and sorting; facilities for incinerating and recycling; and all required materials and supplies

2.      SYSTEMS

Second, waste collection and disposal systems have to be designed and implemented to clean the accumulated waste and maintain cleanliness in the years to come


Third, all of the people who live and work in the area, as well as those who come for the yatra and trek, have to be educated about how to keep the natural environment clean

All three aspects need to be designed with their sustainability in mind:  the aim of the Project is not only to clean the environment this year, but every year.  1999, the first year of the Project, has brought together local panchayat and environmental committee members, gurdwara management and staff, concerned business people and volunteers, as well as yatris and trekkers, in a cooperative effort.  The challenge of the year 2000 and the new millenium will be to work together and keep the sacred places of Bhyundar Valley and the holy waters of Hemkunt, Hem Ganga, and Alaknanda clean � the Creator, for Creation, and for the Community.

Garbage behind Gurdwara

Garbage accumulated behind Gurdwara Sri Hemkunt Sahib

1999 SAFAI SEVA 1999

 This year work has begun on all three components of the project.  The work completed includes:  


        The Project was designed on the principle that, wherever possible, garbage should be re-used or recycled to deal with the garbage problem; for example, dustbins were made from used diesel drums and paint cans, and garbage was collected in used flour and cement sacks

         80 dustbins were manufactured at a workshop in Rishikesh by fitting empty drums with brackets and mounting them on poles which, when fixed in cement, enabled the bins to tip for easy emptying

        40 small and 40 large dustbins were installed along the yatra route at places where garbage accumulates: zigzags in the path, tea shops, villages, and resting places

         Additional small dustbins were prepared for placement along the steps below Sri Hemkunt Sahib

        Garbage dumping and sorting sites were established in Gobind Ghat, Gobind Dham, and Sri Hemkunt Sahib 

2.      SYSTEMS

      A local environmental committee, the Sapat Shring Ban Chetana Society, was formed to address all the environmental problems in the Bhyundar Valley

     A permanent committee of Friends of the Sri Hemkunt Sahib Environment was formed to oversee safai seva in years to come

      Informational meetings were held with all users of the area:  local villagers; gurdwara trustees, management, and staff; yatri jathas; shopkeepers, lodge owners, and their staff; kandi wallahs and ghora wallahs; environmentalists, trekking agencies; hired sweepers; local and regional government officials; military officers; labourers; and tourists

      Polythene bags and take-away cold drink bottles were banned in District Chamoli

      Volunteers were organized to determine sites for dustbins; put up signs, posters, and stickers; remove graffiti; educate shopkeepers and yatris; and collect and burn garbage along the yatra route

      Sweepers and Nepali labourers were hired to clean up existing dumping sites in the villages and along the path and to sort collected garbage for recyclables and burn the rest

      In a two-day clean-up blitz using volunteers and Nepali labourers, all garbage was collected from behind the buildings in Gobind Dham, filling 125 bori (jute and plastic) sacks with recyclable plastic, glass, and metal, at a labour cost of Rs. 10 per bag

      Biodegradable (organic) waste was burned by gurdwara staff in Gobind Ghat, Gobind Dham, Sri Hemkunt Sahib, and along the path

      Mules were hired to carry collected garbage down to Gobind Ghat

      Trucks were hired to carry collected garbage from Gobind Ghat to Rishikesh for recycling 


      Presentations were given in front of hundreds of students at Sikh schools, colleges, and gurdwaras about Sri Hemkunt Sahib and the importance of safai seva

      Articles were published in Sikh and Punjabi newspapers and magazines about the work of the Project, requesting yatris to do safai seva

      All dustbins were painted with the words "DUSTBIN for your seva PLEASE USE ME" in Punjabi, Hindi, and English and stencils with the same message were made available in the gurdwara store at Gobind Ghat

      100 signs were produced with rhyming devotional and environmental messages in Punjabi, Hindi, and English and posted along the path

      2000 posters were produced with beautiful images and text emphasizing the importance of safai and seva as part of the Sikh spirit and listing safai seva requests and instructions in Punjabi, Hindi, and English

Workers on the Safai Seva Project

Safai seva workers at the end of a day's work

2000 SAFAI SEVA 2000 

What follows are the steps toward waste collection and disposal infrastructure, systems, and education that need to be taken to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the yatra route in the next millenium: 



      Maintain the 80 dustbins installed during the 1999 yatra season

      Install 20 small dustbins at intervals along the stairs below Sri Hemkunt Sahib

      Install additional dustbins in the courtyard of each gurdwara, along the path wherever garbage accumulates, on the ghats beside the Alaknanda River, and on the shore of Hemkunt Lake.

      Ensure that all dustbins are painted with the words "DUST BIN for your seva PLEASE USE ME" in Punjabi, Hindi, and English

      Stencils for painting dustbins are available in the gurdwara store at Gobind Ghat 


      Identify a single place on the property of each Trust gurdwara as the designated garbage dumping and sorting site and dig a pit where biodegradable waste can be buried or burned

      Construct large, permanent masonry garbage boxes at Sri Hemkunt Sahib, Gobind Dham, and Gobind Ghat, and large metal dumpsters within the compound of each gurdwara in Haridwar, Rishikesh, Srinagar, Joshimath, and Gobind Ghat

      Install a furnace in Gobind Ghat to incinerate biodegradable garbage and equipment to process plastics into recyclable pellets

      Construct a trolley path from the gurdwara to the garbage pit

      Provide Project workers with supplies including used and re-usable bori sacks, gloves, shovels, trolleys, T-shirts or jackets with the project name and the word "sevadar" printed on them to publicize the work of the Project, and other supplies as required

      Make a supply of bags available at the bridge in Gobind Ghat and hand them out to yatris and trekkers along with instructions about garbage collection along the path along; an additional token and registration system will ensure filled bags are brought back

      Place a collection box donations toward Environment Safai Seva in each gurdwara 

2.      SYSTEMS 


      Appoint an on-site manager to oversee and coordinate all aspects of the Project and give that manager responsibility for:  pollution control; seva requests (benatis) of yatri jathas and organization of seva; maintenance of project infrastructure including signs, dustbins, and dumping sites; hiring, supervision, and payment of contractors, labourers, and sweepers; and collection, sorting, transportation, and recycling of garbage

      Appoint teams of sevadars, organize teams of volunteers, assign teams of sweepers, and hire teams of labourers to collect accumulated garbage from around Hemkunt Sarovar, in the Hem Ganga Stream and Alaknanda River, alongside the path, and behind shops, lodges, and gurdwaras

      Hold a training session for sevadars before the start of each yatra season and teach them about hygiene, waste disposal, and environmental responsibility

      Immediately stop dumping garbage into rivers, streams, and forests

      Instruct all staff, labourers, and sweepers (gurdwara, health department, zila parishad, and private) to use only the established dumping and sorting site in each village for all collected garbage

      Employ additional workers to sort non-biodegradable, recyclable waste (plastic, glass, and metal) from biodegradable, organic waste (food, paper, and cloth) then dump biodegradable waste in the pit for burning or burying, and put non-biodegradable waste in bori sacks or plastic bags for recycling

      Closely supervise all sweepers, hold regular inspections of the quality of their work, raise their pay if they work well, and if they do not, replace them on an annual or bi-annual basis

      Appoint members of the local environmental committee, the Sapat Shring Ban Chetana Society, to oversee the work of the sweepers and labourers

      Recruit groups of volunteers from youth clubs (e.g. Boy and Girl Scouts), community service organizations (e.g. NSS - the National Service Scheme), schools and colleges (including Trust schools), and yatri jathas to spend a day or a week doing environment seva

      Hire a team of workers to empty all dustbins between Sri Hemkunt Sahib and Gobind Ghat on a weekly basis and put the garbage in bori sacks to be transported by mule to the motor road

      Hire the same mules and porters which carry gurdwara supplies up to carry collected garbage down

      Offer sweepers and labourers Rs. 10 for each full sack of garbage collected and deposited in Gobind Dham or Gobind Ghat, and offer ghora wallahs and kandi wallahs Rs. 10 for each full sack of garbage brought down to Gobind Dham or Gobind Ghat

      Ask ghora wallahs and kandi wallahs to make sure their customers throw garbage in dustbins, not on the path

      Hire trucks to transport garbage to the city for recycling, or encourage yatri jathas to carry garbage (prasad!) on their buses as seva

      Make arrangements with a kabari to buy recyclable plastic, glass, and metal and use the proceeds from the sale as an incentive for the workers collecting and sorting the garbage

      Organize a large-scale clean-up before the yatra opens and after it closes each season

      Conduct a semi-annual inspection tour at the start and end of each yatra season of all gurdwara properties, especially behind the buildings in Gobind Ghat, Gobind Dham, and Sri Hemkunt Sahib

      Encourage cooperation between all users of the area:  gurdwara trustees, managers, and staff; local villagers; shopkeepers and other business owners; labourers, sweepers, kandi wallahs, and ghora wallahs; officials and workers from government departments, yatri jathas and trekking agencies; military officers and men; groups of volunteers


      The villagers of Bhyundar Valley have registered an environmental committee the Sapat Shring Ban Chetana Societyand have promised their full support in cleaning and preserving the environment along the route to Sri Hemkunt Sahib and the Valley of Flowers

      They will:

1.      Cooperate with the initiatives of the Project Team

2.      Hire and supervise sweepers and labourers if the Trust will cover the labour cost

3.      Enforce regulations for shopkeepers  


      Institute environmental regulations for shopkeepers along the yatra route, their staff, and any sweepers or labourers they hire

      They must:

1.      Throw no garbage from the business behind the shop or into the forests or rivers

2.      Provide a dustbin in which all plastic, glass, and metal garbage is collected for recycling

3.      Collect all food, paper, wood, and cloth garbage in a separate dustbin or in a pit and periodically burn it

4.      Request the cooperation of customers in using the dustbins and keeping the natural surroundings clean

5.      Agree to display an environmental sign or poster within shop premises

6.      Remove all garbage and building materials when the shop is vacated

      Any shopkeeper who fails to follow the regulations will not be permitted to do business along the yatra route the following season.

      Petition local or regional government to issue licenses to shopkeepers with the provision that licenses be revoked if shopkeepers do not comply with the above environmental regulations  


      Organize an annual delegation of representatives from the Trust, the local panchayat, and environmental workers to approach the D.M. Chamoli, the S.D.M. Joshimath, and officials from the departments of forests, health, and public works to request their administrative cooperation in solving the environmental problems associated with the yatra

      Lobby the courts to bring injunctions against soft drink bottlers who produce non-refillable bottles, and against polythene bag manufacturers

      Request the government to provide facilities as follows, and offer our initiative and services to clean up the region in exchange:

1.      Inspect the yatra route on a semi-annual basis

2.      Bring in a waste disposal engineer/consultant to draw up a sewage and garbage (especially plastic) disposal strategy for mountain environments

3.      Enforce bans on polythene bags and take-away cold drink bottles

4.      Give local authorities the jurisdiction to fine anyone caught littering

5.      Provide electricity for the proposed recycling facilities in Gobind Ghat

6.      Expedite the repair and paving of the path (especially in Gobind Dham) by the P.W.D. 


      Continue to meet with officers from the army and I.T.B.P. and request that they organize jawans and trainees to assist with the clean-up, particularly on steep slopes  


      Thoroughly clean all properties along the yatra route on a weekly or monthly basis as follows:

1.      Sweep dust and cobwebs from ceilings, walls, and floors in rooms, bathrooms, and toilets

2.      Wash walls, doors, window ledges, and floors

3.      Scrub toilets, sinks, and bathroom walls

4.      Replace soiled and damaged floorcloths and bedding

5.      Appoint all rooms and bathrooms with mirrors and clothing hooks

6.      Remove all garbage for disposal or recycling

 3.      EDUCATION  


      Give presentations in colleges, gurdwaras, and to yatri jathas; submit newspaper and magazine articles; produce posters and signboards; design an informational website for the internet; and make announcements in the gurdwaras to spread an environmental and devotional message to keep Sri Hemkunt Sahib clean  


      Maintain the weather-proof polycarbonate signboards with vinyl tape lettering put up along the yatra route during the 1999 yatra season

      Research sign printing/painting methods and determine which are the most economical and durable and produce new signboards containing the devotional and environmental messages and seva requests in Punjabi, Hindi, and English attached to this report

      Install prominent large signboards at each gurdwara and tea shop cluster from Rishikesh to Sri Hemkunt Sahib, and especially at the bridge across the Alaknanda River at Gobind Ghat (message attached) 


      Print informational posters containing seva requests for the yatris' health, safety, and cooperation in keeping Sri Hemkunt Sahib clean and sacred

      Have large cloth banners printed and hang them in gurdwaras and tea shops

      Volunteer to post the self-adhesive posters (available in the gurdwara store at Gobind Ghat) in the sleeping rooms and halls of the gurdwaras, in the lodges and businesses, and in the tea shops along the yatra route

      Put stickers on every yatra bus and car and in gurdwara bathrooms and rooms

      Ensure that all posters, banners, and stickers feature the name of the Sri Hemkunt Sahib Environment Safai Seva Project 


      Ensure that regular announcements are made by the granthi after each Ardas in every Trust gurdwara with a message that is both environmental and devotional, and which contains a clear benati (request) for seva (sample announcement attached).

      Make a seva request (benati) of each large jatha that they hire an extra ghora wallah or porter to collect and carry garbage during their yatra

      When yatris sign in at the reception desk of each gurdwara, instruct them to use dustbins and do safai seva during their yatra 



      Construct a jhora ghar

      Clean and improve the ladies' ishnan ghar

      Construct a wall along the bank of the Hemkunt Sarovar to prevent dirty water from running back into the sarovar and polluting the water

      Drain areas of standing water which are breeding places for mosquitoes and disease

      Repair leaks in the roof of the gurdwara

      Fine ghora wallahs caught grazing their mules in the fragile high-altitude meadows surrounding Sri Hemkunt Sahib  


      Divert dirty water which flows from the langar hall in Gurdwara Gobind Dham, across the path, and into a lake of sewage behind the lodges

      Pave the path through Gobind Dham and install street lighting  


      Set up a checkpost at the bridge where yatris are required to leave a cash deposit and take a receipt for every plastic bag they are carrying

      When yatris return and present the number of items on their receipt, they receive a refund and an additional incentive for extra garbage collected along the yatra route

      Regulate porters and ghora wallahs with a registration and token system and fix rates

      Set up PCO STD ISD facility  


      Install drinking water taps or tanks along the yatra route

      Erect accurate milestones

      Provide a suggestion box in each gurdwara

      Disinfect the areas along the yatra route where mules urinate and defecate

      Improve existing toilet facilities by constructing septic tanks for proper sewage disposal and fixing plumbing and electrical systems

      Construct additional toilet facilities along the path and at Sri Hemkunt Sahib

      Remove all empty metal cans and ghee tins from bathrooms and toilets as they are a health hazard

      Ensure that every bathroom is equipped with a bucket, a plastic mug, clothing hooks, and a mirror

      Drain, clean, and re-fill the sarovar at Gurdwara Rishikesh

      Emphasize the maintenance and improvement of existing facilities over the development of new ones

Photo of the Author of this Report

Two sevadars at the celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Khalsa in Rishikesh
(the author of this report is on the right) 




Please have this message translated into Hindi.


Sri Hemkunt Sahib Environment Safai Seva Project  

Air is our Guru, Water is our Father, and the Great Earth is our Mother
- Guru Nanak

This natural beauty was created by God and blessed by the Guru.
Please do not pollute the air, water, and earth. 

During your yatra to Sri Hemkunt Sahib we humbly request your seva:

1.      Kindly do not throw any garbage out of the bus windows, onto the footpath, or into the forests and streams.

2.      As your personal seva, collect one bag of toffee wrappers, plastic bags, and other garbage from along the yatra route, and put it in a dustbin.

3.      As your jatha's seva, transport bags of collected garbage on each bus and car from Gobind Ghat to the city for recycling.

4.      Tell your relatives, friends, and travelling companions about the importance of keeping God's creation and the Guru's place clean.

Thank you for your seva.  






Toffee wrappers, Frooti boxes
Plastic bags, and buscuit packets
Do not throw them on the ground
There are dustbins all around!

God before me God behind me
God beneath me God beside me
Know that God is everywhere
And with all God's creation take care

God adorns this place with green
Guru wants you to keep it clean

Every tree and stone along the way
Says keep your garbage in your bag

While walking in the footsteps of the Guru
Keeping the sacred path clean is up to you

Enjoy this beauty
Don't make it dirty

Dirty is ugly
Clean is lovely

Stop it!  Don't drop it!
Put the wrapper in your pocket
When you see a dustbin
Throw the wrapper in!

The water is blue the forest is green
Do some seva to keep them clean

On this path the guru walked
If he saw this mess he would be shocked
So pick up the rubbish you have dropped

Before you take your cleansing bath
See to the cleanliness of this path

God and Guru in their grace
Brought you to this sacred place
To make it dirty is a disgrace

Do not damage the plants and trees
God is present even in these

Do not throw garbage
Among the flowers and leaves
Throw it into a dustbin please

Do not pollute the forest and stream
Keep all of God's creation clean

Hem Ganga is a sacred stream
Its water is pure so keep it clean

When you come to these sacred lands
Do some service with your hands
When you see a rubbish bin
Kindly throw the rubbish in!


Beloved Sadh Sangat of the Guru, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

The Guru has blessed you to come to this sacred place:  Tapo Asthan Sri Hemkunt Sahib, where the tenth Guru meditated and became One with God.

Please take this message along with you on your yatra:  the Guru is not just INSIDE the gurdwara.  The Guru is everywhere.   As Guru Nanak wrote in Japji Sahib, "Air is our Guru, Water is our Father, and the Great Earth is our Mother."  The beautiful air, water, and earth that surround Sri Hemkunt Sahib were created by God and blessed by the Guru.  To disrespect them by polluting them is equal to disrespecting the Creator Himself.  We humbly request that you keep God's natural creation clean.

Remember, when you go to Sri Hemkunt Sahib, you are walking where the Guru walked: on the same soil, surrounded by the same mountains and water and natural beauty.  Think of the whole yatra route to Sri Hemkunt Sahib as the Guru's place, as a gurdwara.  As you would at any gurdwara, please do some seva for the Guru.  That seva means not throwing any garbage out of bus windows, onto the footpath, or into the forests and streams along the yatra route.  That seva means not polluting the holy water of the Hemkunt Sarovar, the Hem Ganga Stream, or the Alaknanda River.

As part of the Sri Hemkunt Sahib Environment Safai Seva Project, we have installed dustbins all along the yatra route.  We humbly request that every time you see a toffee wrapper, plastic bag, or any other garbage on the ground, you pick it up and carry it to a dustbin.  Please collect one bag of garbage as your seva toward keeping Sri Hemkunt Sahib clean, beautiful, and sacred.  Then, when you return to Gobind Ghat, load one or more bags of garbage onto every bus and car in your jatha, and transport it back to the city for recycling.  Our final request to you is that you tell everyone among your friends, family, and travelling companions about this important seva to keep Sri Hemkunt Sahib clean.

Thank you, and may you receive the blessings of the Guru.