jaa ka-o mun Dhayaan Dharai firat sagal jug kabahu ka ko-oo paavai aatam pargaas ka-o
sveIey mhly cauQy ky 4, mQurw (1404-13)sava-ee-ay mahlay cha-uthay kay 4, mathura Swaiyas In Praise Of The Fourth Mehl, Mathura |
jw kau muin D�wnu DrY iPrq sgl jug kbhu k koaU pwvY Awqm pRgws kau ] jaa ka-o mun Dhayaan Dharai firat sagal jug kabahu ka ko-oo paavai aatam pargaas ka-o. For His Sake, the silent sages meditated and focused their consciousness, wandering all the ages through; rarely, if ever, their souls were enlightened. byd bwxI sihq ibrMic jsu gwvY jw ko isv muin gih n qjwq kiblws kMau ]
jw kO jogI jqI isD swiDk Anyk qp jtw jUt ByK kIey iPrq audws kau ]
su iqin siqguir suK Bwie ik®pw DwrI jIA nwm kI bfweI deI gur rwmdws kau ]5]