patit paavan parabh naam tumaaray

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (740-19)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

loiB moih mgn AprwDI ]
lobh mohi magan apraaDhee.
The sinner is absorbed in greed and emotional attachment.

krxhwr kI syv n swDI ]1]
karanhaar kee sayv na saaDhee. ||1||
He has not performed any service to the Creator Lord. ||1||

piqq pwvn pRB nwm qumwry ]
patit paavan parabh naam tumaaray.
O God, Your Name is the Purifier of sinners.

rwiK lyhu moih inrgunIAwry ]1] rhwau ]
raakh layho mohi nirgunee-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am worthless - please save me! ||1||Pause||

qUM dwqw pRB AMqrjwmI ]
tooN daataa parabh antarjaamee.
O God, You are the Great Giver, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

kwcI dyh mwnuK AiBmwnI ]2]
kaachee dayh maanukh abhimaanee. ||2||
The body of the egotistical human is perishable. ||2||

suAwd bwd eIrK md mwieAw ]
su-aad baad eerakh mad maa-i-aa.
Tastes and pleasures, conflicts and jealousy, and intoxication with Maya

ien sMig lwig rqn jnmu gvwieAw ]3]
in sang laag ratan janam gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
- attached to these, the jewel of human life is wasted. ||3||

duK BMjn jgjIvn hir rwieAw ]
dukh bhanjan jagjeevan har raa-i-aa.
The Sovereign Lord King is the Destroyer of pain, the Life of the world.

sgl iqAwig nwnku srxwieAw ]4]13]19]
sagal ti-aag naanak sarnaa-i-aa. ||4||13||19||
Forsaking everything, Nanak has entered His Sanctuary. ||4||13||19||