mai naahee parabh sabh kichh tayraa
rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 8 (827-16)raag bilaaval mehlaa 5 dupday ghar 8 Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, Eighth House: |
mY nwhI pRB sBu ikCu qyrw ] eIGY inrgun aUGY srgun kyl krq ibic suAwmI myrw ]1] rhwau ] In this world, You are the absolute, formless Lord; in the world hereafter, You are the related Lord of form. You play it both ways, O my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause|| ngr mih Awip bwhir Puin Awpn pRB myry ko sgl bsyrw ] You exist within the city, and beyond it as well; O my God, You are everywhere. Awpy hI rwjnu Awpy hI rwieAw kh kh Twkuru kh kh cyrw ]1] You Yourself are the King, and You Yourself are the subject. In one place, You are the Lord and Master, and in another place, You are the slave. ||1|| kw kau durwau kw isau blbMcw jh jh pyKau qh qh nyrw ] From whom should I hide? Whom should I try to deceive? Wherever I look, I see Him near at hand. swD mUriq guru ByitE nwnk imil swgr bUMd nhI An hyrw ]2]1]117] I have met with Guru Nanak, the Embodiment of the Holy Saints. When the drop of water merges into the ocean, it cannot be distinguished as separate again. ||2||1||117|| |