mayray man raam naam nit gaavee-ai ray
kydwrw mhlw 4 Gru 1 (1118-3)kaydaaraa mehlaa 4 ghar 1 Kaydaaraa, Fourth Mehl, First House: |
myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ] Agm Agocru n jweI hir liKAw guru pUrw imlY lKwvIAY ry ] rhwau ] The Inaccessible, Unfathomable Lord cannot be seen; meeting with the Perfect Guru, He is seen. ||Pause|| ijsu Awpy ikrpw kry myrw suAwmI iqsu jn kau hir ilv lwvIAY ry ] That person, upon whom my Lord and Master showers His Mercy - the Lord attunes that one to Himself. sBu ko Bgiq kry hir kyrI hir BwvY so Qwie pwvIAY ry ]1] Everyone worships the Lord, but only that person who is pleasing to the Lord is accepted. ||1|| hir hir nwmu Amolku hir pih hir dyvY qw nwmu iDAwvIAY ry ] The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is priceless. It rests with the Lord. If the Lord bestows it, then we meditate on the Naam. ijs no nwmu dyie myrw suAwmI iqsu lyKw sBu CfwvIAY ry ]2] That person, whom my Lord and Master blesses with His Name - his entire account is forgiven. ||2|| hir nwmu ArwDih sy DMnu jn khIAih iqn msqik Bwgu Duir iliK pwvIAY ry ] Those humble beings who worship and adore the Lord's Name, are said to be blessed. Such is the good destiny written on their foreheads. iqn dyKy myrw mnu ibgsY ijau suqu imil mwq gil lwvIAY ry ]3] Gazing upon them, my mind blossoms forth, like the mother who meets with her son and hugs him close. ||3|| hm bwirk hir ipqw pRB myry mo kau dyhu mqI ijqu hir pwvIAY ry ] I am a child, and You, O my Lord God, are my Father; please bless me with such understanding, that I may find the Lord. ijau bCurw dyiK gaU suKu mwnY iqau nwnk hir gil lwvIAY ry ]4]1] Like the cow, which is happy upon seeing her calf, O Lord, please hug Nanak close in Your Embrace. ||4||1|| |