meet karai so-ee ham maanaa
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-17)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
mIqu krY soeI hm mwnw ] mIq ky krqb kusl smwnw ]1] My Friend's actions are pleasing to me. ||1|| eykw tyk myrY min cIq ] Within my conscious mind, the One Lord is my only Support. ijsu ikCu krxw su hmrw mIq ]1] rhwau ] One who does this is my Friend. ||1||Pause|| mIqu hmwrw vyprvwhw ] My Friend is Carefree. gur ikrpw qy moih Asnwhw ]2] By Guru's Grace, I give my love to Him. ||2|| mIqu hmwrw AMqrjwmI ] My Friend is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. smrQ purKu pwrbRhmu suAwmI ]3] He is the All-powerful Being, the Supreme Lord and Master. ||3|| hm dwsy qum Twkur myry ] I am Your servant; You are my Lord and Master. mwnu mhqu nwnk pRBu qyry ]4]40]109] Nanak: my honor and glory are Yours, God. ||4||40||109|| |