meet saajan sut banDhap bhaa-ee
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (742-5)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
mIqu swjnu suq bMDp BweI ] jq kq pyKau hir sMig shweI ]1] Wherever I look, I see the Lord as my companion and helper. ||1|| jiq myrI piq myrI Dnu hir nwmu ] The Lord's Name is my social status, my honor and wealth. sUK shj Awn�d ibsrwm ]1] rhwau ] He is my pleasure, poise, bliss and peace. ||1||Pause|| pwrbRhmu jip pihir snwh ] I have strapped on the armor of meditation on the Supreme Lord God. koit AwvD iqsu byDq nwih ]2] It cannot be pierced, even by millions of weapons. ||2|| hir crn srx gV kot hmwrY ] The Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet is my fortress and battlement. kwlu kMtku jmu iqsu n ibdwrY ]3] The Messenger of Death, the torturer, cannot demolish it. ||3|| nwnk dws sdw bilhwrI ] Slave Nanak is forever a sacrifice syvk sMq rwjw rwm murwrI ]4]19]25] to the selfless servants and Saints of the Sovereign Lord, the Destroyer of ego. ||4||19||25|| |