maaga-o daan thaakur naam
tofI mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy (713-6)todee mehlaa 5 ghar 2 dupday Todee, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Du-Padas: |
mwgau dwnu Twkur nwm ] Avru kCU myrY sMig n cwlY imlY ik®pw gux gwm ]1] rhwau ] Nothing else shall go along with me in the end; by Your Grace, please allow me to sing Your Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause|| rwju mwlu Anyk Bog rs sgl qrvr kI Cwm ] Power, wealth, various pleasures and enjoyments, all are just like the shadow of a tree. Dwie Dwie bhu ibiD kau DwvY sgl inrwrQ kwm ]1] He runs, runs, runs around in many directions, but all of his pursuits are useless. ||1|| ibnu goivMd Avru jy cwhau dIsY sgl bwq hY Kwm ] Except for the Lord of the Universe, everything he desires appears transitory. khu nwnk sMq ryn mwgau myro mnu pwvY ibsRwm ]2]1]6] Says Nanak, I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints, so that my mind may find peace and tranquility. ||2||1||6|| |