bhalkay uth papolee-ai vin bujhay mugaDh ajaan
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (43-1)sireeraag mehlaa 5. Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl: |
Blky auiT ppolIAY ivxu buJy mugD Ajwix ] so pRBu iciq n AwieE CutYgI bybwix ] You are not conscious of God, and your body shall be cast into the wilderness. siqgur syqI icqu lwie sdw sdw rMgu mwix ]1] Focus your consciousness on the True Guru; you shall enjoy bliss forever and ever. ||1|| pRwxI qUM AwieAw lwhw lYix ] O mortal, you came here to earn a profit. lgw ikqu kuPkVy sB mukdI clI rYix ]1] rhwau ] What useless activities are you attached to? Your life-night is coming to its end. ||1||Pause|| kudm kry psu pMKIAw idsY nwhI kwlu ] The animals and the birds frolic and play-they do not see death. EqY swiQ mnuKu hY PwQw mwieAw jwil ] Mankind is also with them, trapped in the net of Maya. mukqy syeI BwlIAih ij scw nwmu smwil ]2] Those who always remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are considered to be liberated. ||2|| jo Gru Cif gvwvxw so lgw mn mwih ] That dwelling which you will have to abandon and vacate-you are attached to it in your mind. ijQY jwie quDu vrqxw iqs kI icMqw nwih ] And that place where you must go to dwell-you have no regard for it at all. PwQy syeI inkly ij gur kI pYrI pwih ]3] Those who fall at the Feet of the Guru are released from this bondage. ||3|| koeI riK n skeI dUjw ko n idKwie ] No one else can save you-don't look for anyone else. cwry kuMfw Bwil kY Awie pieAw srxwie ] I have searched in all four directions; I have come to find His Sanctuary. nwnk scY pwiqswih fubdw lieAw kFwie ]4]3]73] O Nanak, the True King has pulled me out and saved me from drowning! ||4||3||73|| |