pareet pareet guree-aa mohan laalnaa

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 5 pVqwl (746-3)
raag soohee mehlaa 5 ghar 5 parh-taal
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House, Partaal:

pRIiq pRIiq gurIAw mohn lwlnw ]
pareet pareet guree-aa mohan laalnaa.
Love of the enticing Beloved Lord is the most glorious love.

jip mn goibMd eykY Avru nhI ko lyKY sMq lwgu mnih Cwfu duibDw kI kurIAw ]1] rhwau ]
jap man gobind aykai avar nahee ko laykhai sant laag maneh chhaad dubiDhaa kee kuree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate, O mind, on the One Lord of the Universe - nothing else is of any account. Attach your mind to the Saints, and abandon the path of duality. ||1||Pause||

inrgun hrIAw srgun DrIAw Aink koTrIAw iBMn iBMn iBMn iBn krIAw ]
nirgun haree-aa sargun Dharee-aa anik khothree-aa bhinn bhinn bhinn bhin karee-aa.
The Lord is absolute and unmanifest; He has assumed the most sublime manifestation. He has fashioned countless body chambers of many, varied, different, myriad forms.

ivic mn kotvrIAw ]
vich man kotvaree-aa.
Within them, the mind is the policeman;

inj mMdir iprIAw ]
nij mandar piree-aa.
my Beloved lives in the temple of my inner self.

qhw Awnd krIAw ]
tahaa aanad karee-aa.
He plays there in ecstasy.

nh mrIAw nh jrIAw ]1]
nah maree-aa nah jaree-aa. ||1||
He does not die, and he never grows old. ||1||

ikrqin jurIAw bhu ibiD iPrIAw pr kau ihrIAw ]
kirtan juree-aa baho biDh firee-aa par ka-o hiree-aa.
He is engrossed in worldly activities, wandering around in various ways. He steals the property of others,

ibKnw iGrIAw ]
bikhnaa ghiree-aa.
and is surrounded by corruption and sin.

Ab swDU sMig prIAw ]
ab saaDhoo sang paree-aa.
But now, he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,

hir duAwrY KrIAw ]
har du-aarai kharee-aa.
and stands before the Lord's Gate.

drsnu krIAw ]
darsan karee-aa.
He obtains the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

nwnk gur imrIAw ]
naanak gur miree-aa.
Nanak has met the Guru;

bhuir n iPrIAw ]2]1]44]
bahur na firee-aa. ||2||1||44||
he shall not be reincarnated again. ||2||1||44||