pahilai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa hukam pa-i-aa garbhaas
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 phry Gru 1 ] (74-16)sireeraag mehlaa 1 pahray ghar 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl, Pehray, First House: |
pihlY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw hukim pieAw grBwis ] aurD qpu AMqir kry vxjwirAw imqRw Ksm syqI Ardwis ] Upside-down, within the womb, you performed penance, O my merchant friend, and you prayed to your Lord and Master. Ksm syqI Ardwis vKwxY aurD iDAwin ilv lwgw ] You uttered prayers to your Lord and Master, while upside-down, and you meditated on Him with deep love and affection. nw mrjwdu AwieAw kil BIqir bwhuiV jwsI nwgw ] You came into this Dark Age of Kali Yuga naked, and you shall depart again naked. jYsI klm vuVI hY msqik qYsI jIAVy pwis ] As God's Pen has written on your forehead, so it shall be with your soul. khu nwnk pRwxI pihlY phrY hukim pieAw grBwis ]1] Says Nanak, in the first watch of the night, by the Hukam of the Lord's Command, you enter into the womb. ||1|| dUjY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw ivsir gieAw iDAwnu ] In the second watch of the night, O my merchant friend, you have forgotten to meditate. hQo hiQ ncweIAY vxjwirAw imqRw ijau jsudw Gir kwnu ] From hand to hand, you are passed around, O my merchant friend, like Krishna in the house of Yashoda. hQo hiQ ncweIAY pRwxI mwq khY suqu myrw ] From hand to hand, you are passed around, and your mother says, "This is my son." cyiq Acyq mUV mn myry AMiq nhI kCu qyrw ] O, my thoughtless and foolish mind, think: In the end, nothing shall be yours. ijin ric ricAw iqsih n jwxY mn BIqir Dir igAwnu ] You do not know the One who created the creation. Gather spiritual wisdom within your mind. khu nwnk pRwxI dUjY phrY ivsir gieAw iDAwnu ]2] Says Nanak, in the second watch of the night, you have forgotten to meditate. ||2|| qIjY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw Dn jobn isau icqu ] In the third watch of the night, O my merchant friend, your consciousness is focused on wealth and youth. hir kw nwmu n cyqhI vxjwirAw imqRw bDw Cutih ijqu ] You have not remembered the Name of the Lord, O my merchant friend, although it would release you from bondage. hir kw nwmu n cyqY pRwxI ibklu BieAw sMig mwieAw ] You do not remember the Name of the Lord, and you become confused by Maya. Dn isau rqw jobin mqw Aihlw jnmu gvwieAw ] Revelling in your riches and intoxicated with youth, you waste your life uselessly. Drm syqI vwpwru n kIqo krmu n kIqo imqu ] You have not traded in righteousness and Dharma; you have not made good deeds your friends. khu nwnk qIjY phrY pRwxI Dn jobn isau icqu ]3] Says Nanak, in the third watch of the night, your mind is attached to wealth and youth. ||3|| cauQY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw lwvI AwieAw Kyqu ] In the fourth watch of the night, O my merchant friend, the Grim Reaper comes to the field. jw jim pkiV clwieAw vxjwirAw imqRw iksY n imilAw Byqu ] When the Messenger of Death seizes and dispatches you, O my merchant friend, no one knows the mystery of where you have gone. Byqu cyqu hir iksY n imilE jw jim pkiV clwieAw ] So think of the Lord! No one knows this secret, of when the Messenger of Death will seize you and take you away. JUTw rudnu hoAw duoAwlY iKn mih BieAw prwieAw ] All your weeping and wailing then is false. In an instant, you become a stranger. sweI vsqu prwpiq hoeI ijsu isau lwieAw hyqu ] You obtain exactly what you have longed for. khu nwnk pRwxI cauQY phrY lwvI luixAw Kyqu ]4]1] Says Nanak, in the fourth watch of the night, O mortal, the Grim Reaper has harvested your field. ||4||1|| |